Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) ("we," "us," "the App," or "this Application") recognises the significance of privacy and is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard the personal information you provide to us through our mobile application and any associated services (collectively, the "App"). By using the Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio), you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

App Name: Phone Cleaner Pro

Please Note: If you or Your Legal Guardian disagree with any term provided herein, you may not install or use the apps and are requested to promptly uninstall the app from your device. This Policy applies to all the products and services provided by Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio), including applications, mini-programs, websites, SDK for third-party websites or applications, APIs, and other forms that may be available in the future.

In the Privacy Policy, we outline the information we collect from you, how we utilize or share that information with others, how we protect it, and how you can exercise your rights regarding your Personal Data (defined below). This policy is designed to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), where applicable. Personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“Personal Data”).

This Privacy Policy conforms to the European Union's ("EU") General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), effective from November 5, 2023.

Our app Privacy Policy will help you to understand the following contents:

What information do We collect?

"Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) is committed to upholding fundamental privacy rights universally, irrespective of geographical location.

Our data collection practices are driven by the principles of necessity, specificity, transparency, and legitimacy. We only gather information required for explicitly defined and lawful purposes. Furthermore, we ensure that collected information is not used in ways incompatible with these stated purposes. If we ever intend to employ your personal information for purposes beyond those outlined in this Policy, we will seek your consent at that particular juncture.

We obtain your personal information through various means, including:

a) Automatically during your usage of this Application, which encompasses data such as device information and service log details.

b) From external sources, including analytics tools.

c) Our partners may acquire information through separate channels within the app.

At Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio), we respect your privacy, when it comes to providing personal information. You have the right to decide whether or not to share your personal details while using our application and its services, or in response to our requests. It's important to note that, in certain instances, declining to provide personal information that is necessary for app may result in our inability to use the app. We explain what we do, how we do it, describe your choices, and how we may need your cooperation to help you stay safe.

 The following section outlines the specific personal information that we collect."

1.1. Device Information:

We may automatically collect certain information about your device when you use the Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) based on the permissions granted during the installation and use of this Application. This may include your device model, hardware device identifier GAID (Google Advertising ID), Android ID information, operating system version, system language, country or region setting of the phone (including the country or region information of your authorized phone and network access method), application store version, screen size and resolution of the phone, CPU, and display device-related information, operating system version, unique device identifiers, IP address, and mobile network information. This information is necessary for us to optimize and improve the performance of the App on your specific device. If we do not collect this information then we will not able to improve app quality and performance.

1.2. Log information: 

We automatically collect details of your use of our services and store them as service logs during your use of this Application. This includes service access time, access frequencies, usage time, event information (errors, crashes, restarts, upgrades), and other log information generated when using the device.

in a case of an error in the app we collect data and information (through third-party products i.e. Google analytics) on your phone called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing my Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, crash details and other statistics.

1.3. App Usage Information:

We collect information about how you use the Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio), including the actions you take within the App, the features you access, and the settings you configure. This may include data such as the date and time of your interactions, the duration of your usage, and the specific areas of the App that you visit. This Tracking within the app helps us to improve app features.

This information helps us analyze and improve the effectiveness of our services, personalize your experience, and measure the overall performance of the App.
It is important to understand that you have the right to withhold or withdraw your consent to the collection of certain.

The above information is only used to improve the product experience and will not be sold to any third parties. We will not use this information for purposes other than improving the product experience and ad performance.

We always collect information about your app usage, where you click in the app, and which feature are using, All this information is collected by Firebase for the tracking purposes, so we can improve the quality of the app. 

We collect and process data information about your use of the Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) to improve our services and provide you with a seamless experience. This data may include:

number of clicks, pages visited, different events, pages viewed, the order of those pages, the amount of time spent on specific pages, the date and time of your requests, the number of times the app is opened, and pages that are viewed.
Here are different uses of this information, How we use it,

2.1. Use for Junk File Cleaning Services:
To ensure the efficient working of our junk file cleaning service while respecting your privacy, we gather essential data beyond the device information mentioned earlier. To perform this cleaning we use Trust look SDK, This sdk access information for cleaning. This information serves the following purposes:

To perform Cleaning of Junk Files from the phone. We also show the list of installed apps in your phone so you can Un-install any app that is large in size. This will be done by your permission. 

When you choose to utilize our junk file cleaning service, we will request permission to access your phone's storage and application installed in your phone. It is important to note that without granting these permissions, you will be unable to utilize our junk file cleaning service, but the use of our other Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) services will remain unaffected. Your privacy and data security are of utmost importance to us, and we adhere to stringent measures to safeguard your information.

2.2: For Virus Checking and Antivirus Services:

To deliver virus scanning and antivirus protection services effectively, we require specific data, in addition to the device information mentioned earlier. We will gather information about you for the following purposes:

-> We need to collect hardware details of your device and basic system information to categorize and enhance the virus scanning functionality.

-> We'll gather basic application data to cross-reference antivirus service provider databases with a whitelist to identify potentially malicious applications and Files

Please note that if you decline to provide this information, you won't be able to utilize our virus scanning and antivirus services.

2.3. To send Notification and Manage Notifications:
We use your information like device model, app version installed, Device Language and above mentioned info to send you the push Notifications.
If you refuse to provide such information and permission for notifications, you will not be able to use the notification management services, your normal use of other Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) services will not be affected.

2.4. For advertising and marketing Purposes:
We also may use information such as device usage information, advertising id, IP address, MAC Address, ad interaction information to show you relevant promotional contents (personalized ads) to you during your use of Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) and its Service. We will strictly protect your privacy during this process. We will only disburse Personalized ads to you to the extent permitted by applicable law and with your consent.

i. To Improve and Optimize the Services:

We collect and process necessary data to update and develop the services, enhance user experience, manage the customer relationship, customize the service experience, respond to inquiries and provide support, deliver relevant information (e.g., updates, security alerts, support messages), and offer personalized content and advertisements within the Services and on other platforms.

ii. To Carry Out Activities Related to Advertisements and Marketing:

We may use the collected information, including ad identifiers, country, region, language, interaction with the services and other users, etc., to send personalized advertising and marketing materials.

We may engage third-party advertising and marketing partners who may receive the information to assist us in delivering targeted advertisements and improving marketing materials.

By accepting this Privacy Policy and continuing to use the services, you consent to the collection and use of your information for personalized advertising and marketing purposes unless you opt-out. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of our third-party advertising and marketing partners for a better understanding of how they collect, use, and share your information.

You have the right to opt-out from receiving personalized advertisements and to object to user profiling at any time, including identification analysis for direct marketing and automated decision-making purposes. In order to change these rights, you can turn it on or off through the "Setting - Google - Ads - Delete advertising ID" on your device. The way of permission management for ads may vary for different versions. When you turn off personalized ads, you may still receive ads, but the ads will be less relevant to you.

2.5. To Get Customer Feedback:
App users can contact us through our support option (feedback) in the app. While getting feedback we may get some information, like device id, Device model, App version, Logs file to resolve users issues and assist them easily. If you choose not to provide us such information, we may not be able to provide you better assistance about app, but you can use the app easily if you not do this.

2.7. Diagnostic and Performance Data:

To ensure the optimal functioning of the Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) and troubleshoot any issues, we may collect diagnostic and performance data. This may include information about your device's performance, app crashes or errors, system activity, and other technical details. Such data is anonymized and used solely for diagnostic and improvement purposes. You can avoid giving permission for this data. 

2.8. Aggregated Usage Statistics:

We may compile aggregated and anonymized usage statistics based on the data collected from all our users. These statistics help us analyze trends, understand user preferences, and improve the overall user experience. Please note that these aggregated statistics do not contain any personally identifiable information.

2.9. Communication Data:

When you communicate with our support team or provide feedback through the Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio), we may collect and store the content of your communication, including any attachments or files shared. This information is necessary to address your inquiries, provide assistance, and improve our customer support services.

We treat all data about your use of the services with the utmost confidentiality and use industry-standard security measures to protect it. We do not sell, rent, or share your personal information with third parties for their promotional purposes.

By using the Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio), you acknowledge and consent to the collection, processing, and use of data about your use of the services as described in this Privacy Policy.

2.10. Permission State:

Whether the function is running normally, such as whether a virus is detected.

Android Advertising ID:
To enhance your advertising experience and provide customized advertisements, we utilize your Android advertising identifier. This identifier is specifically employed for advertising and analytics purposes. It is essential to understand that the advertising identifier does not contain any personally identifiable or sensitive user information that could be used to identify you or your device. Moreover, it remains independent of any persistent device identifiers, such as SSAID, MAC address, IMEI, and so on, and is not associated with them.

When sharing, transferring, and disclosing your personal information, we uphold the principles and requirements of minimization, necessity, and legality. Under normal circumstances, we do not share, transfer or disclose your personal information externally. However, to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, we may share, transfer and disclose your personal information in the following situations:

1. How we share your personal information

We do not sell any personal information to third parties. In order to provide you with timely services, your personal information may be shared with our affiliated companies. We will only share your information within our affiliated companies for legitimate and explicit purposes, and only share the information necessary to provide the services, and are bound by the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. If a purpose concerned is not included in this Policy, we will state it in the corresponding privacy policy or notice of the specific product or service.

We may share the necessary personal information with authorized third-party partners (including technical service providers, data storage service providers, after-sales service providers, marketing promotion service providers, third-party SDK service providers, etc.) for the performance of certain features or to provide you with better service and a better user experience.we may embed third party SDK or other similar applications of authorized partners in this Application.


1. Admob Sdk:
Purpose of collecting personal information: For Advertising
Types of personal information collected: Device information, Ads interactive information, app screen
Privacy Policy Link:


2. Trustlook sdk:
Purpose of collecting personal information:  For Junk Clean - Antivirus -  Virus Scanning with in the app

Types of personal information collected: Android system version; Device model, Version of android system, version of software and network operator;Phone Cleaner App package name; Phone Cleaner version number; Phone Cleaner version name; Language. user’s installed application. user behaviour data.
Privacy Policy Link:


3. Google Analytics for Firebase & Firebase Crashlytics:
Purpose of collecting personal informationTo get analytics, User interaction within the app, for advertisement, To understand Crashes details and Logs Data

Types of personal information collected: Android system version, Device model, Version of android system, version of software and network operator, Phone Cleaner App package name; Phone Cleaner version number, Phone Cleaner version name, Languagem Further you can read Google Crashlytics Policy.
Privacy Policy Link:


Link to the privacy policy of third-party service providers used by the app

Data Sharing with Trustlook SDK:
Trustlook SDK provides a security service and it will record certain information that includes the user’s installed application. Because it will analyze the app collection, app static & behavior analysis to give the app risk report.

Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) App will not transfer your information to any other parties except above.

As mentioned earlier, your personal information may be shared with our third-party partners that is explained above. We may disclose your personal information(about device, region etc.) to our business partners, including advertisers, publishers, and data-tracking companies. These partners may use your information to show you ads, measure ad/site interaction, and enhance their services. The use of the disclosed information by these partners will be governed by their respective privacy policies.

How Do We Protect Your Data?

we prioritize the security of your Personal Data and employ a robust combination of administrative, organizational, technical, and physical safeguards to uphold its confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Here's an overview of our comprehensive security measures:

Security Controls: We design our controls to prevent loss, misuse, damage, modification, unauthorized access, or disclosure of information.

Information Security Department: Our dedicated team oversees our information security program's design, implementation, and continuous monitoring.

Security Tools: We employ cutting-edge tools aligned with the latest industry standards for information security.

Pre-Deployment Evaluation: Before commissioning processing systems, we evaluate the performance of applied personal data security measures.

Access Management: We implement stringent controls to identify, authenticate, and authorize access to various services, websites, and data.

Incident Response: In case of unauthorized access to personal data, we swiftly discover the facts and adopt corresponding measures to mitigate the impact.

Data Recovery: We have mechanisms to recover personal data that may have been modified or destroyed.

Access Rules and Monitoring: We establish specific rules for accessing personal data within our systems and record all actions, ensuring traceability. Our monitoring measures detect weaknesses and potential intrusions.

Encryption: Our clients, servers, and data centers use secure encryption protocols to maintain data privacy.

Employee and Contractor Access: Access to personal information is restricted to those with a legitimate need to know, and strict confidentiality obligations bind them. Non-compliance may lead to disciplinary actions or termination of contracts.

Training and Continuous Improvement: Protectstar personnel receive regular training on our security practices. We continually update our security measures to adapt to new risks and technological developments.

Monitoring and Assurance: Comprehensive monitoring ensures the security of personal data, and we regularly review our measures to ensure their effectiveness.

We are committed to safeguarding your information and operate under a transparent and responsible framework.

Depending on your interactions with our app, we may request certain permissions to ensure its proper functioning. While you have the option to opt out, please note that denying these permissions may result in app malfunctions. The permissions we may request include:

We process personal data based on the following legal bases:

We provide the following rights to you when using our services. Please contact us at to exercise your rights in accordance with applicable law. Kindly note that certain limitations may apply:


Cookies are files with a small amount of data that are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. These are sent to your browser from the websites that you visit and are stored on your device's internal memory.

This Service does not use these “cookies” explicitly. However, the app may use third-party code and libraries that use “cookies” to collect information and improve their services. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies and know when a cookie is being sent to your device. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of this Service.

Our services are not intended for individuals under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. If we become aware that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we will immediately delete it from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and believe that your child has provided personal information to us, please contact us so that we can take appropriate actions.

Any information collected is subject to the Policy in effect at the time of collection. We reserve the right to modify the Policy from time to time. In the event of any changes, we will provide appropriate notice of modifications or updates. Your continued use of our app or services after such changes to the Policy indicates your acceptance of the updated terms.

If you purchase an auto-renewing periodic subscription through the Service, your Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) account will be billed continuously for the subscription until you terminate it as set forth below. After your initial subscription period, and again after any subsequent subscription period, your subscription will automatically renew for an additional equivalent period. If you do not wish your subscription to renew automatically, or if you want to change or terminate your subscription, you will need to log in to your Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) account and follow instructions to terminate or change your subscription, even if you have deleted your account.

In the Service, you may purchase, with your country currency, a limited, personal, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to use

(a) “virtual currency,” including but not limited to virtual gems, solely for use in the Service, and

(b) “virtual in-app items” (together with “virtual currency,” “Virtual Items”). You are allowed to purchase Virtual Items through the Service, and not in any other way.

Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) may manage, regulate, control, modify, or eliminate Virtual Items at any time, with or without notice. Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) may update the pricing of Virtual Items at any time at its sole discretion and may add new Virtual Items for additional fees. Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) App shall have no liability to you or any third party if Phone Cleaner App exercises any such rights.

You agree to pay all fees and applicable taxes incurred by you or anyone using a Phone Cleaner App account registered to you. Phone Cleaner App may revise the pricing for the goods and services offered through the Service at any time. All information that you provide in connection with a purchase or transaction or other monetary transaction interaction with the Service must be accurate, complete, and current. You agree to pay all charges incurred by users of your credit card, debit card, or other payment method used in connection with a purchase or transaction or other monetary transaction interaction with the Service at the prices in effect when such charges are incurred. You will pay any applicable taxes, if any, relating to any such purchases, transactions, or other monetary transaction interactions.

In-App Payment Information:

When you make a payment or in-app purchase through our App and offered Services, all payments are in-app payments and are subject to the applicable App Store terms and privacy policy.

Google Terms of Service

Google Privacy Policy

We use in-app payment processors; the registration and payment information are solely processed by the applicable app store provider. We do not store nor process any Personal Data when you process the payment.

We receive an order number that is connected to a user ID that was generated when installing the app (non-identifiable).

Payment Processors

All financial transactions made in connection with the Service will be processed by a third party by their respective terms of use, privacy policy, and/or any applicable payment terms and conditions. We encourage you to learn about the practices of such third parties. In no event will Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) be responsible for the actions or inactions of any third-party payment processor, including, but not limited to, system downtime or payment service outages.

Refund Policy

If you face any issue within the app and you have purchased the premium then you can request a refund at any time by contacting us.

A Promotional Code must be accepted before the applicable expiration date advertised if any. Except where prohibited by law, Phone Cleaner Pro (Novo Studio) reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate a Promotional Code at any time and for any reason, in which case we will not honor subsequent Promotional Code enrollments.

Duration and cancellation.

Unless you cancel your subscription before the end of the Promotional Period, you will automatically become a recurring subscriber and your Phone Cleaner Pro App subscription will continue to automatically renew for additional periods equal to the expiring subscription term unless you cancel before the end of the relevant subscription term under Phone Cleaner  Pro App’s terms and conditions. The payment method you provided will automatically be charged for the then-current subscription price. If you cancel during the Promotional Period, you will lose access to the Phone Cleaner Pro App and you understand and agree that you will receive no refund or exchange of any kind, including for any unused virtual currency or other Virtual Item, any Content, or data associated with your use of the Service, or for anything else.

Permissions that App access: 

android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: This permission allows app to access information about the device's network connectivity, including whether the device is connected to the internet. it can be used to track a user's online activity. android.permission.BATTERY_USAGE_STATS: This permission grants an app access to show battery statistics, that is the part of the Phone Cleaner Pro.

android.permission.INTERNET: This permission grants app the ability to access the internet, which is often required for data communication with external servers. Like to show adertisments.

android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: This permission is used by this Phone Cleaner app pro to access and read files on a device's external storage to perform cleaning and scanning for junk files.

android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission: This permission is used by this Phone Cleaner app pro to delete the selected files that user selected on a device's external storage to perform cleaning and scanning for junk files.

android.permission.REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES: This permission grants the app the ability to request the deletion of applications. This permission is related to cloud-to-device messaging (C2DM) and is used for receiving push notifications from Google services. While not inherently sensitive, it can be used for communication with external servers. This permission is associated with the Advertising ID provided by Google Play services. It can be used for tracking and targeting advertising. This permission is related to in-app billing, allowing the app to make purchases through the Google Play Store.


The MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission in this Phone Cleaner Pro, allows broad access to a device's external storage. This is crucial for deleting unnecessary files, clearing cache, and managing storage, Scan for Virus. Introduced in Android 11, this permission aligns with the new scoped storage model, providing extensive file access while ensuring user privacy and security. 

This policy is effective as of 2023-11-10


If you have any questions or comments about this policy, please contact us at