Novo - Urdu Novel




1. Personal and non-personal information.

We understand the importance of our users’ personal information.

We do not collect or require users to enter their personal information or information regarding their devices when using our Products.

We do not collect any personal information from children with our Products.

When using our Products, we might read non-personal information (such as internet, Wi-Fi availability, network connection, wake lock, device status, internal and external storage availability and usability) for the use of Product development and Service improvement.

Any information we received will be used internally for the purpose of product development and to third parties performing services on our behalf, who comply with our Privacy Policy. We will not disclose your information publicly unless we have received your consent or under government order.

2. Third party Ad Networks

Our Privacy Policy will have no effect on any third party Ad Networks’ websites’ privacy policy or their usage of personal information collected. Our Privacy Policy as expressed herein does not apply to other parties, and we do not dictate the collection or usage of information by them. We do not take part in the operation of third party advertisers or websites. Please find the list of third party companies below:

    • Admob

    • Facebook Audience Network

    • IronSource

    • Unity Ads

    • Tapdaq

These networks may collect some information like advertisement ID etc. For delivery of ads efficiently. You can see there privacy policy.

We do not collect any of your personal information.

5. Analytics.

We are using Google analytics to track user interaction with app content just for improving and delivering good quality content. We do not share any tracked event data with any third party.

4. Amendments.

We may amend our privacy policy from time to time by posting the amended Policy on our website, without directly informing our users. Therefore we encourage our users to review this policy frequently. We reserve all rights and interpretation to the Policy and its amendments