Economic Decisions and Social Preferences - in honour of Philippe Mongin

Friday 26 November - Sunday 28 November, 2021

Location: Université Paris Dauphine,

Amphithéâtre 1


In honour of Philippe Mongin (1950-2020), this three day conference will bring together some of the world's most influential researchers in decision theory and social choice. Each speaker will deliver a one hour presentation. On Saturday 27 November, there will also be a prize ceremony to mark Philippe's receipt of the 2020 Prix de la Revue économique.

The conference is open to everyone -- there is no registration fee. But we request that all participants register before November 14 to help us with logistics.

Note. A pass sanitaire (proof of vaccination or negative Covid test) is required for all participants.


Conference location

Amphithéâtre 1

Université Paris Dauphine,

Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75016 Paris

Note. A pass sanitaire (proof of vaccination or negative Covid test) is required for all participants.

Floor plans of Université Paris Dauphine Building

Ground floor
(downloadable PDF)

First floor
(downloadable PDF)

Second floor
(downloadable PDF)


Saturday, 8:00 PM. Restaurant Al Dar (93 Avenue Raymond Poincaré, 75016 Paris)

Please register for the banquet by Wednesday, 24 November (click here)

Conference sponsors

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the following institutions and research projects:

Conference organizers

Jean Baccelli (Oxford), Antoine Billot (LEMMA, U. Paris II), Mikaël Cozic (Université Lyon 3, IRPHIL et IHPST), Brian Hill (CNRS and HEC Paris) and Marcus Pivato (THEMA, CY Cergy Paris Université).

With the administrative assistance of Yolande Gustave (CY Cergy Paris Université).

We also thank Marisa Ratto for her very kind assistance in arranging the amphitheatre and other physical amenities at Université Paris Dauphine.

Conference poster (downloadable PDF)

Conference program (downloadable PDF)