The Societal Transformation with Society 5.0: A Human-Centred Approach

About the Book

Contemporary society, the society of the future, will require to development of entirely new knowledge, skills, and competencies. In this respect, functional literacies are among the key competencies for 21st-century society, in Japan, it is termed Society 5.0, or the ‘super-smart society. The qualitative leap from Society 3.0 or the industrial society to Society 4.0, or the information society, has already been marked by computers and their processing power and virtually unlimited memory capacity. Humans as intelligent beings, on the other hand, have made little progress over the last few centuries in terms of information processing power and storage capacity. The shift to a super-smart society, i.e., Society 5.0, can hardly be imagined with just humans as the central characters in these changes, given their limited processing power and memory capacity. The society of the future, the super-smart society, is surely going to be a technological society, a society of independent and smart systems managed and directed by artificial intelligence (AI). In such an environment it will be vital for humans, who will be increasingly dependent on technology, not only to communicate with their equals, i.e., other humans, but also to understand the technology and AI, and collaborate. Society 5.0 involves an essential social change. It results from the birth of smart technologies, which have become mature and have been released in record times, something that no other technology had done in the previous century.

Society 5.0 achieves a high degree of convergence between cyberspace (virtual space) and physical space (real space). In the past information society (Society 4.0), people would access a cloud service (databases) in cyberspace via the Internet and search for, retrieve, and analyze information or data. In Society 5.0, a huge amount of information from sensors in physical space is accumulated in cyberspace. In cyberspace, this big data is analyzed by artificial intelligence (AI), and the analysis results are fed back to humans in physical space in various forms. In the past information society, the common practice was to collect information via the network and have it analyzed by humans. In Society 5.0, however, people, things, and systems are all connected in cyberspace and optimal results obtained by AI exceeding the capabilities of humans are fed back to physical space. This process brings new value to industry and society in ways not previously possible. The book will propose novel approaches as well as their components based on the concept of Society 5.0 to enhance the efficiency of the socio-economic process.

The main features of the book are:

  • It will act as an eye-opening to the researchers working in this area to frame the systems that make the identification perfect.

  • As this will be an edited book, therefore, chapters are expected from all over the world, specifically from information technology researchers and industry experts, resulting in quality work.

  • It focuses on open issues of the new paradigm of human-centered society influenced by the implementation and spreading of cyber-physical systems.

  • Contains new ideas and results for the field of systems science concerning human-centered society and its environment.

  • Declares new approaches for understanding relations in a society based on data analysis and modeling using artificial intelligence.

Table of Contents (but not limited to)

Ø Introduction to Society 5.0

Ø The Journey from Smart City to Society 5.0

Ø Artificial Intelligence and Digital Literacy

Ø Automated Vision of Society 5.0

Ø Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0

Ø Creativity and Innovation in Society 5.0

Ø Social Development and Society 5.0

Ø Smart City and Mobility 3.0

Ø IoT and Society 5.0

Ø Medicine 4.0 and Society 5.0

Ø Big Data & Society 5.0

Ø Economy and Society 5.0

Ø Security in Society 5.0

Ø Reinforcement of Cybersecurity to Realize Society 5.0

Ø Post-Pandemic Society 5.0

This book will be submitted to SCOPUS for indexing by the publisher.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission (via email)- 14.11.2022

Acceptance/Rejection Notification (via email)- 30.11.2022

Full Chapter Submission (via email)- 10.01.2023

Acceptance/Rejection Notification (via email)- 20.01.2023

Final Chapter Submission (via email in MS Word format)- 01.02.2023

Book Editors

Jyotir Moy Chatterjee

Assistant Professor (Information Technology)

Lord Buddha Education Foundation

Kathmandu, Nepal


Harish Garg

Associate Professor

School of Mathematics

Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (Deemed University), Patiala - 147004, Punjab, INDIA

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