
Digital learning, E-learning, Online learning are buzzwords that many people never heard a decade ago. Today these terms seem to be everywhere – in the newspapers, television commercials, billboards, and of course, on the Internet. Today more and more organizations and people are exploring digital training options.

Google Classroom


It is one of the technologies that will change the way we approach learning and training in organizations and educational institutions.


Need to upskill

Organizations today operate in a dynamic environment with constantly changing needs and demands. As a result, employees have to upgrade their knowledge on a continuous basis. E-learning enables them to get the knowledge and skills and gaining a degree without leaving their jobs.

Pressure to keep education costs low

Face-to-face programs require time and money – both are usually scarce. However, in the case of e-learning, once you have a Learning Management System (LMS) like Moodle in place, developing and hosting online courses means several people taking and teaching the course on an ongoing basis at any time. It means you have a one-time investment, but recurring benefits. In this way, a LMS turns out to be cost-effective in the long run.

Necessity to teach more students

When you have diverse students across different regions, it becomes very difficult to have a face-to-face class: scheduling and logistical challenges are just too many. This problem is solved with e-learning as the course can be rolled out across different regions.

Preference for flexibility in studies

Elearning provides students with the option to choose when they want to learn. They can access the course when they are most receptive, which cannot happen in a classroom. Also, with e-learning, you mix different learning styles – with a mix of audio, video, and textual content, this can appeal to a wider audience.

Need to track and assess courses

When courses are on a LMS, it is easy to track and assess them. Moodle provides useful reports that help us monitor the learning effectiveness – how many have taken the course, how much time students are dedicating to the course, and so on. Based on these reports, we can take corrective actions or follow-up measures.

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