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Current Project:
Homebrewed D&D 5e TTRPG Module

(not the official artwork)

Natural Imbalance

Welcome to the nature-based campaign that takes place within the realm of Faerun, right on the familiar terrain of the Sword Coast, originally created by Wizards of the Coast for their tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. This campaign is entitled Natural Imbalance and the core concept of the main villain in this story is that civilization has overstepped its boundaries in the balance between civilization and nature. 

This module is designed for players starting at level 1 and bringing them to level 10 through a milestone leveling system. It will also include a new playable spellcasting class, new magic items, new feats, a unique Session 0, and more!

To learn more about this game, including the story summary, a glimpse at the new class, and more,
check out my new TTRPG page!

Available Works of Interest

Short Story

This is an official Guinness World Record {GWR} attempt at the 'Most Authors Contributing to an Anthology of Short Stories' record. To do this, we surpassed the old record of 50 authors with a book featuring 108 authors from around the world! This record becomes official once a certain number of sales are reached.

Titled and registered as CEA Greatest Anthology Written. The CEA is an acronym for Celenic Earth Anthologies and a play on the word “see”, which we use for all Celenic Earth Anthology titles.

In this world record book of short stories, I contributed a horror story called "The Darkest Feelings" and it is the first story you will find in the genre.

Video Game

Hegis' Grasp:
Evil Resurrected

1896, Great Britain: Henry Wood, a journalist who heard rumors of a village, that supposedly had undergone a curse, gets curious enough to check out the place for his latest anticipated newspaper story. Bringing Jacob, his nephew, coach boy, and intern journalist, and his friend and escort, Lieutenant Samuel Miller, on his trip to Hegis in order to uncover the truth. However, he soon finds this to be a mistake and that he put his companions and himself in grave danger!


Hegis' Grasp is a story-driven and atmospheric survival-horror game inspired by old-school horror games of the PS2 era. The mysterious backstory of the Daemonis curse will be unraveled through notes from the past and events, which the protagonist, Henry Wood, a curious news writer looking to find out what recently changed in the once peaceful village, experiences as he makes his way through this cursed place.

It's up to him to choose how the story ends, but first, he must unseal the secret of the Daemonis.

Enjoy the game for free today on PC via Steam!

Comic Book

Solo video game developer Wlad Marhulets created the studio Unfold Games and published his launch title DARQ in 2019 on Steam. Since then, his video game has gained quite a bit of popularity and won multiple awards. This success brought his studio to the height of working with other big names such as Feardemic. After this partnership was made, he decided to expand on the DARQ universe by creating a comic book.

As both a fan and consistent coverage provider for news regarding his game (via GameTyrant), I have gained contact with Wlad Marhulets directly. Through this contact, I landed the opportunity to work with him. This opportunity led to me becoming the editor for his upcoming comic book (and potentially more collaboration in the future).

The comic book is titled "DARQ: Dream Journal" and is available now!