CUSD Recall

CUSD Recall

It’s time for Carlsbad citizens to regain control of their local public schools in the Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) and to put a stop to the “Leftist/Woke” agenda being imposed by its governing board Trustee majority led by Michele Ward (Trustee Area #1), Kathy Rallings (Trustee Area #5) and CUSD Superintendent Benjamin Churchill.

They instituted a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Policy on July 19, 2023, that advanced their agenda to abuse the innocence of children and the authority of their parents. The Policy licensed the promotion of age-inappropriate non-traditional cultural values, Leftist political indoctrination, and aberrant sexual role models and values.

Both Ward and Rallings have been elected as known advocates of the California Teachers Union and Planned Parenthood and have been funded with campaign contributions primarily from these and other sources outside of their Trustee Areas.

They have been relentless in implementing the pseudo-academic objectives of our amoral socialist state government and Teacher’s Unions at the expense of local parent and citizen control, and true academic excellence.

We need your help to restore common sense academic excellence and local parental authority over our schools by ending their reign of political authority. 

Please help expedite our Recall of these School Board Trustees to save our schools from two more years, and possibly many more of their illegitimate authority.

CUSD Recall Petition Text


TO THE HONORABLE KATHY RALLINGS: Pursuant to Section 11020, California Elections Code, the undersigned registered qualified voters of the Carlsbad Unified School District Trustee Area #5, in the State of California, hereby give notice that we are the proponents of a recall petition and that we intend to seek your recall and removal from the office of Trustee of the Board of Education, in the County of San Diego, City of Carlsbad, Trustee Area #5. The grounds for the recall are as follows:

We, the proponents of the Intent to Recall Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) Trustee, Kathy Rallings, agree that ALL school children are protected by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, from discrimination based on age, sex, religion, and national origin.

However, Trustee Kathy Rallings, has instituted a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) program, including Critical Race Theory (CRT), betraying the innocence of our young children. These EXTREMIST programs ARE NOT NECESSARY!

Current nondiscrimination laws and CUSD disciplinary policies and procedures are already in place. DEIB and CRT are POLITICAL PLOYS to promote inappropriate political and sexual agendas. Furthermore, Superintendent Benjamin Churchill, with questionable academic credentials, has been targeting personnel for disciplinary actions who do not agree with his WOKE agenda.

We, the undersigned, believe that DEIB and CRT policies infringe upon the rights of Carlsbad parents, who desire to teach their children parental values as they feel appropriate regarding sex and politics.  DEIB and CRT are nothing more than politically funded, entitlement-based, virtue signaling. We believe teachers should focus on academic subjects and merit-based grading, and not force gender questioning, undeserved racial guilt, and inappropriate sexual material on our young innocent children.

CUSD Recall Goals and Objectives

1) The removal of all DEIB Plan related staff development, classroom programs and related curriculum and all Goals and Success Indicators. Reassignment or termination of all staff administration and DEIB mentors and trainers.

2) The removal of Superintendent Benjamine Churchill due to his “Woke” agenda and advocacy for DEIB/CRT in our schools.

3) More rigorous academic programs in classic traditional English Language Arts, Math, Science, Digital & Internet Technical Skills, and in the factual History of the USA, including the study of its state and federal constitutions and the original supporting documents authored by The Founders.

4) The need to establish new and revamp existing policies and procedures to improve the active partnership of teachers with parents in reinforcing their children’s academic progress.

5) The systematic removal/replacement of all policies that relinquish the local control of the Carlsbad Community through its elected Trustees over curriculum, educational programs, and instructional materials mandated by the California Legislature and the State Superintendent of Public Education.

6) The establishment of a Parent/Community Financial Advisory Council to review the CUSD annual budget before it is considered for approval.

7) Expansion of Vocational Programs to assist those students not seeking advanced University degrees in finding jobs in the San Diego area.

8) More rigorous programs to support the higher achieving students and their parents in preparing for advanced post high school college and university success.

9) Official staff to respond to requests for information from parents on a timely basis and especially as it relates to opting their children from sex education programs.

10) Support for Christian youth and student Bible study clubs on campus (no prohibition on the use of the name of Jesus Christ).

11) Restore an educational environment of sanity and common sense by making sure there are:

Understanding CRT and DEI

Critical Race Theory (CRT), Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI), and Progressive Socialism are working together as the antithesis of capitalism, limited self-government and traditional morals. 

DEI is a massive propaganda movement to advance CRT’s anti-American revolution by infusing a CRT world view into the mindset of every American. CRT’s world view claims that competition in business, transparent, accountable, and limited government, and Christian faith and values have caused systemic racism in America. 

CRT’s revolutionary thought leaders have all embraced a Marxist world view. Its Intersectionality Theory builds upon the political activism for economic justice and racial equality by radicals like W. E. DuBois, Derrick Bell, and on the black anti-patriarchal feminist activism of Audre Lorde and Patricia Collins. 

DEI propaganda indoctrinates people with intersectionality methods. Its trained leaders employ group therapy techniques and peer pressure to brainwash their subjects into a mindset of group tolerance and belonging rooted in secular humanism in lieu of individual self-determination rooted in Traditional American Values. 

DEI in schools is a deceptive social experiment, using children as guinea pigs. It has aggressively harnessed the power of Teacher’s Unions to indoctrinate children, turn them away from the moral values of their parents, and to usurp parental authority over school governance. 

Purging DEI from local public schools requires removing its staff proponents and voting out its supporting School Board Trustees. Protect our beloved children! MAKE SURE YOUR VOTE COUNTS!