Privacy Policy

Notice collects and shares some user data such as;

  • IP Address - This may be used to estimate the general location of the device

  • Android Advertising ID - Used for Ad monetization

  • App Set ID - Assists with fraud prevention associated with Advertising

  • App-instance ID - Used to compute user metrics via Analytics

  • User product interactions - Information surrounded app launch and in-app taps

  • Diagnostic Information - Information related to the performance of the app, crash logs, app launch time, hang rate etc.

  • App lifecycle events - Screen views and usage time for use with analytics reporting and analysis

This information is shared in part or in total with the Google service AdSense for the purpose of displaying Ads within the app, and Google Analytics for Firebase to facilitate the understanding of user behavior within Notice. As such, please view the Privacy Policy associated with those services here.

The developer of Notice retains no user information.

Contact the developer of Notice via if you have additional queries.