The Geometry Dash Resources List
Welcome To The Geometry Dash Resources List
This is a list of everything the GD community uses alongside the game.
This list will include things such as Lists, Spreadsheets, Websites, Tools, Mods, etc.
If you would like to read more about what a website is before visiting it, feel free to open up the dropdown tab.
there will be an explanation of the website there.
If there is something you would like to see added to this website, feel free to DM me on discord.
A Google Forms page where you can submit levels bugged from 2.2 so that the mod team will fix it.
All of the Geometry Dash Assets, neatly organized and in perfect quality, available for download.
A fully usable server browser for Geometry Dash.
Allows the user to view level information and copy IDs right inside your browser with a feature list too large to list here.
Also contains a fully functional Icon kit with the ability to download the icons as images.
A tool that allows you to generate fake Geometry Dash level comments as images.
This can be useful for things like thumbnails.
A tool that allows you to generate text as images in every Geometry Dash font.
This can be useful for things like thumbnails.
An old forum for Geometry Dash.
Viewed by the community as a bit outdated, however still semi active.
An attempt by Restoration Union to archive information about every single rated level ever.
This includes information such as the approximate release date, The IDs of deleted levels, .GMD file archives of levels, and more.
Disclaimer: The website is not user friendly and takes a while to learn to navigate.
Allows you to view detailed information about your Geometry Dash save file
A website that allows you to split and merge spritesheets.
Potentially useful for creating texture packs.
A collection of texture packs that can be downloaded and used for Geometry Dash.
It is recommended to download and use Geode and The Texture Pack Switcher Geode mod in order to avoid replacing the game files.
A collection/Archive of NONGs (Not on Newgrounds Songs) readily available for download!
Ever find a level with a song that cannot be downloaded?
Ever play a level that expects you to replace the song with a different one in the game files?
This website can be used to obtain and add those songs to the game's files!
Mods and Software
A mod loader for Geometry Dash similar to Terraria's TModLoader but with the mods downloadable from inside Geometry Dash.
A collection of mods that can be used from inside Geometry Dash.
(Note: This is paid software)
Level Lists
A list that aims to document every single rated Geometry Dash level.
A list that aims to rank the hardest legitimately verified unrated Extreme Demons.
A list that aims to rank the hardest legitimately verified platformer demons.
Includes unrated levels.
A list that aims to rank the hardest rated platformer demons.
Another list of the hardest Demon Levels.
This one aims to rank every single Extreme Demon in order of difficulty.
Disclaimer: This one has been criticized for inaccurate placements. Please take anything on this website with a grain of salt.
A list ranking unrated challenge levels by difficulty
A list of every single Nine Circles level in release order for archival purposes.
A list attempting to rank the hardest Easy Demons.
A list attempting to rank every level in the Gauntlets by difficulty.
A list that aims to separate every single rated demon into 35 tiers of difficulty.
This makes it way easier to determine the difficulty of a level as you could have two levels of the same difficulty that are 4 tiers apart on the GDDL.
For example. The Nightmare is a Tier 1, while Two the Top is a Tier 6.
Both of those levels are Easy Demon difficulty.
Be sure to visit the Reference Demons page to understand how the tier system works.
A tier based list that gives the player level recommendations to assist them in improving at Geometry Dash.
There are 15 tiers, with each tier increasing in difficulty, starting with Easy Demon (Beginner) and ending with Top 10s (Amethyst), Top 1s (Azurite), And playable pseudo impossible levels (Obsidian).
An alternative to the Pointercrate Demonlist that places unrated levels.
A list attempting to rank the hardest Hard Demons.
A list of the hardest impossible levels.
This list contains a rule that levels must be possible to bot with your clicks per second being below 15cps.
A spreadsheet containing a list of the hardest Impossible platformer levels.
A list ranking impossible levels based off how difficulty they are to bot using macro tools.
A list of the hardest impossible levels.
This list does NOT contain the 15cps rule that the ILL has.
This means the levels are generally lower quality and abuse mechanics like click counters, but the levels are of a harder difficulty than the ILL.
A list attempting to rank the hardest Insane Demons.
Most of the levels towards the top of this list are basically just misrated Extreme Demons.
A list of the hardest demons completed on 60hz
A list attempting to rank the hardest Medium Demons.
A list that aims to rank every memory level by difficulty.
A list of levels (Similar to the GDDP) that reveals what levels are in the most Lists.
The idea being that beating these levels will help you progress through a lot of lists.
A list of every single Nine Circles level in order of Difficulty.
A list that breaks down different Extreme Demons into categories and difficulty ranges to assist the player with improving at the game
The most popular Demonlist in the Geometry Dash community.
This list aims to list the top 150 hardest Geometry Dash Extreme Demons.
A list of popular demons with nerfs and stripped down decoration.
A harder version of The Shitty List.
A list of the hardest Spam Challenges.
A list that aims to rank the hardest legitimately verified unrated Extreme Demons.