Thus, the real answer here: don't use use some API/library calls you found somewhere on the internet. Instead: read the corresponding javadoc, and understand why to use some construct, and more importantly: understand what it has to offer to you.

For some reason NotePad is not recognizing the new line characters. Any thoughts on this? How can I change the java code so that NotePad displays the report correctly? I am a Java noob and I'm really struggling in this Java course. Any help you can offer would be greatly apprecited. Thanks.

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Using SWT, you can launch any If you want to emulate double-clicking on a text in windows, it's not possible only with a plain JRE. You can use a native library like SWT and use the following code to open a file:

In IDE (Eclipse) it compains about "C:\path\to\notepad.exe C:\path\to\file.txt" .So i have used the following which works for me keeping me and my IDE happy :o)Hopefully this will help others out there.

I got a new computer and I'm trying to get Notepad++ to run how it did on my old one. I got the NPPExec plugin. When I click Execute, it brings up the commands I want to enter. My goal here is to have the code save, compile, and run in the console of Notepad++. Currently I have what I thought used to work on my old laptop.

After checking here: -java-program/ and seeing the Set Path section, I reinstalled Java, did the set path command, although the file path ended at \Java and did not have that whole JDK bit in it. I'm not sure if that's part of the issue and Java is not installed properly.

So I'm pretty sure it's the issue with JDK not being in the folder. I went to check my old laptop, and it didn't have JDK in the folder either. It gives the same error when using the javac command, but for some reason the java command works fine to execute the file. Do I really have to create an Oracle account just to get JDK? When I went to sign up it wanted my work phone number, so it definitely didn't seem like a free thing.

Edit 4: I tried following the Oracle documentation on installing a jdk. I did the download from there, but following that, I didn't see the file I needed. In the Java folder, there is now the jdk-16 folder. In the bin folder there, there are a number of .exe files, but I don't know if any of them are the ones I'm supposed to run. Now that I've installed it though, I'm still getting an error with javac command, but the java command will run files I'd previously compiled.

Write, Run & Share Java code online using OneCompiler's Java online compiler for free. It's one of the robust, feature-rich online compilers for Java language, running the Java LTS version 17. Getting started with the OneCompiler's Java editor is easy and fast. The editor shows sample boilerplate code when you choose language as Java and start coding.

I copy pasted the code from an excel document originally, so I tried completely rewriting it in case it was some sort of font problem, but no luck. I also thought it might be some sort of problem with the way I installed Java, but I have uninstalled everything and reinstalled it again multiple times, so unless I keep doing it wrong, I don't know if that's the problem.

the java folder in program files has two folder in it: one called jdk-12 and the other called jre1.8.0_202. they were installed on different days. the jdk folder was installed first. I have an environment variable called C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-12\bin

It was supposed to make a window pop up saying "Hello world" on a blue background. The same program worked for someone else on a different computer. We were both using windows 10. I have never been able to get a java program to run on my computer. I tried a different hello World program before, and I got the same kind of error.

EDIT: Thanks for flagging the question as duplicate. the answers on the other one really helped. For some reason echo %JAVA_HOME% doesn't return anything, so I couldn't use that to fix my problem. I had to do something else to solve it. I think I'm going to leave this up just in case someone is like me and doesn't know what they're doing when they install java and accidentally screws it up really, really, bad. Thanks for the help.

I FIXED IT! Long story short, I screwed up the installation, and then proceeded to screw it up even more by uninstalling and reinstalling jre and jdk almost at random in the hopes that it might fix my issue. All of this might have worked, had I not have done half of it before the update to java 12. I had jre from Java 8 and jdk from java 12. I also had two different versions of the java 8 jre somehow. I think I accidentally installed a 32 bit version of jre because I didn't understand the install page.

I just deleted the extra jre (that was in Program Files (x86) instead of in Program Files where the rest of everything was.) and deleted jdk 12 and installed the jdk from java 8, deleted some extra weird path variables, added a new one, and that fixed it once I restarted my computer

this things making me mad, i installed it on my flash drive and im trying to compile a Java program. I got to the run box and it say the program to run and I typed in javac $(*

and when I try to press the run button on the bottom of the box it dosent do anything, its like clicking on an icon or link and not doing anything or getting anywhere, it dosent load at all, can anyone please help me

The problem is that the directory where you have stored the .java file and the working directory- the directory which javac/java command searches for the file are different. You would have to store you java source files in C:Program FilesNotepad++ and try running the commands.

Thanks a lot for the kind words. You can always install JDK for Windows, configure the PATH variable and then use any of the editors like notepad and use command line to compile and run the programs. This link wil help you to get started: -to/java/how-to-create-java-program

In your final code you'll want to save the data fields into some structure instead of just extracting them from the file. Another thing to note is that the price is a String NOT a number because of the dollar sign. Should you wish to do any calculations with the prices you'll of course need the convert it to a number with parseFloat() or parseDouble().

I write my java code in notepad++, then when I am happy with it, I copy and paste it to NetBeans to test it. The text copies over quite misaligned sometimes. Is there a way to fix this or does anyone have another process to suggest?

Want to collaborate on code errors? Have bugs you need feedback on? Looking for an extra set of eyes on your latest project? Get support with fellow developers, designers, and programmers of all backgrounds and skill levels here with the Treehouse Community!

While the code works on the website Notepad++ seems to have trouble with the Console object. I looked up other tutorials and got a work around through a Scanner object and System.out, but it would be nice if I could use the original Console object in step with the tutorials. Any Ideas on how to make it work?Here's my code:

I haven't used Notepad++ for Java yet, but it sounds like its causing the error because Notepad++ likely doesn't have console support similar to running the code inside Eclipse. If you saved the file, then in a terminal, run:

"javac java Introductions" Doesn't work as one line. I've been using "javac [filename].java" then "java [filename]", which works for me. The file complies as usual but gives me the "NullPointerException" error when I try to run it while using the Console object.

Sorry about the formatting of the commands, I had meant for them to be on two seperate lines. I've tried running your code and both the commented and uncommented sections work for myself. Opps, forgot Notepad++ was windows only. I'll have to look deeper, but it seems like there's something setup different with your environment. What version of Java have you installed?

I found that I am unable to do this in usual way (on Windows 7 prof x 64). When I open "Open with..." dialog I see no notepad++ in list. So I press "Browse" button and select it explicitly. But after I select OK it replaces for conventional notepad on the fly. Looks like some clever hinting from MS :)

I just did this on my Win 7 Prof x64 with Notepad++ v5.9.1 and I checked the box for "Always use the selected program for this type of file". I closed notepad and re opened the file and it worked fine. I then opened a text file and it opened in notepad just fine.

Seems the system can't find the path to 'javac' or 'java'. Try to add full path to these executables to the PATH environment variable. For more details, see section 4.2 of NppExec_Manual


I am trying to use NppExec to Compile and Run my java files, but when I try to execute it, it dumo me the same error message:

CreateProcess() failed with error code 2: 

The system cannot find the file specified. 

Whenever preparing for a Coding Interview or a Java Certification, you should create a practice environment that does not provide you with Integrated Development Environment (IDE) features like Code Completion, Syntax Highlight, Code Generation, Early Error Checking. During regular development IDE does a very good job of making developers more productive through those features, however during a Coding Interview or a Java Certification Exam, an environment under which you will take the exam, will not include those features. This is why it is important to practice without those features to make sure that you can write code accurately and fluently without having to rely on mentioned IDE features.

A java file is compiled using the javac command which generates a platform-independent bytecode that can be executed in any machine by a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The bytecode is executed using the java command which executes the bytecode and produces the result. ff782bc1db

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