One of the main features of Notepad++ is that it "uses pure Win32 API". This makes it very Windows-specific- it's using builtin Windows functions for a lot of its user interface and general functioning. Getting it to run on any other platform (without Windows API-imitators like Wine) would require a pretty major rewrite.

On my Lubuntu 16.04 LTS system, I have both Notepadqq and Notepad++ installed. (Notepad++ runs with Wine.) I had no problems installing either and they both work reasonably well, though Notepad++ is sometimes slow when I use it to edit very large source code files. I haven't had this problem with Notepadqq, nor with Notepad++ in Windows. Note that I haven't benchmarked them, nor have I extensively used both on the same system, so please take my remarks about performance with skepticism.

Notepad++ Download Linux

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You can further adjust their appearance with themes (they are both theme-able) and by adjusting your desktop environment's settings. They may not look exactly like this on your Ubuntu system. I use the LXDE desktop environment. If you use another desktop environment, such as GNOME, the window borders and title bars will be styled differently.

As an example of how Notepadqq differs from Notepad++ but not by all that much, and of how it is easy to use if you already know your away around Notepad++, here's how they both look when you search an open file using a regular expression:

If you want to look at Notepadqq's source code, or compile the latest development version, see Notepadqq on Github. For instructions on how to build it from source or install official pre-built binaries on other OSes, see the README file. You may also be interested in the guidelines for contributing.

I will suggest you to install playonlinux. Playonlinux is a GUI front end to wine.You can choose install option from the toolbar or from file menu.Then you can click on install a unlisted program link given below.

The snap version (unofficial) uses WINE to emulate this application. This is almost an exact binary copy of the Windows version of Notepad++. Looks, features, and experience are almost identical. So, what features do you get in this Linux version? Well, almost all of them.

Notepadqq is lightweight, and loaded with features such as syntax highlighting for more than 100 languages, dynamic syntax support, multi selection and so on. The search feature is armed with regular expressions. In addition, you get multiple themes for your coding environment, real-time highlighting and more.

Installation is easy since it is available in the official repo of major Linux distributions. For Ubuntu, Linux Mint and related distributions, open a terminal and install it using the following commands:

The newly launched GNOME Text Editor is the fourth editor in this notepad++ replacement list. Developed using the GNOME UI design principles with modern GTK4 and libadwaita, it can easily replace your Notepad++ cravings.

GNOME Text editor brings automatic light/dark theme, regex search, inline spell checking, syntax highlighting, auto-save (even for unsaved files!). A perfect editor if you need the basic features only.

You should be able to connect using either port unless you are on a Shared server where it will use 2222 for SFTP. For more information see our full guide on Connecting to SFTP for Shared Accounts. What happens when you try to connect? Are you getting any errors?

When you use SFTP it will secure your file transfer and therefore many new file transfer connections are SFTP.So if you have to connect through port 22 then exactly you have to change your plugin from FTP to SFTP.You can choose it.


I have a visually impared co-worker. Using a mouse to click on links is not an option. We found the way to focus the NppFTP window via the menus and also a way to add a shortcut to focus the window but what keyboard combination should be used to activate the (dis)connect feature?

I have downloaded the zip file of notepad++ and after running it there is no option displaying for connecting ftp account also there is no option to see Plugins > NppFTP > Show NppFTP Window

Unfortunately, Notepad cannot do that, to my knowledge. I checked the plugins available for NotePad++ and none of them seem to apply. I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

I guess issue is related to permissions on such files, I have read only permissions on these files which are not able to open in NppFTP. I can open same file in Linux and if I copy same file to different location or with different name in same location then I get full access on file and able to open in NppFTP.

CodeWright: no time to react, was just displaying the file, I had not time to start counting. Go to end of file: tap tap tap, counted up to three (as it gave a mini-dialogue box and progress bar explaining that it would be a moment) and ta-da; after that first pass, skipping top to bottom is as fast as I type Home-Home-Home then End-End-End.

Eg,I used the macro+keybinding to put in a bizarrely missing functionality: swapping 2 characters. Ctrl-T on Emacs, IIRC. Not perfect: it uses/wipes the clipboard (can anyone identify a less-destructive method?), but it does the job.

I use vim (and gvim) myself, and I'm tickled to see that even some of our recent hires prefer it as well. I wouldn't recommend it, though. It's very idiosyncratic, and if I hadn't started using vi on UNIX systems back in the mid-1980s I wouldn't be using vim now.

My religion is letting developers use what they want. There are murmurings around these parts of forcing all developers to use the same IDE, which I think is blindingly idiotic. (Apparently the code phrase for this is "developer experience", by which management presumably mean "we don't give a shit about how experienced our developers are; they should all be fungible clones".)

I'm going to go ahead and guess that the reason CW32 could open a 1.9GB file and not a 4.7GB one, is that "32" part of the filename, and that it's using a 32-bit integer as a file index for the cursor; either signed (in which case the largest file it would handle is 2GB), or unsigned (4GB). The NP++ you are using is probably a 64-bit build, and if that uses a 64-bit integer to index a file, it would be fine for up 9 (or 18) exabytes. That's still 4,500 times the size of the world's largest dataset, from the LHC, and I think you'd probably not want to open that in a text editor.

Ian retired and sold-off to another software house a couple years back. I've stopped suggesting it except for very corner cases: scrolling gigantic files, elaborate scripting, integration with their other tools (I did use U-Compare once, academic cheating.)

That Perpetual License turned out to be a bargain! $40 in 2005, more colors (why?), a 64-bit update(why?), one support incident (resolved by me RTFM-ing a moment before their staff got back to me). It's open ALL the time on my main machine.

Likewise although I recently discovered you can right-click a tab and choose "Rename" to give the tab a name without having to save it which is really helpful for when you want a bunch of tabs open and you want to be able to find a specific one without having to commit to actually saving them explicitly (notepad++ is obv. saving them somewhere).

There is a standard UI for editing apps and has been since the late 1980s, and it is called IBM CUA. Conform or die in a fire. *No* possible editing power or functionality is possibly worth making me learn a new UI in the 3rd decade of the 21st century.

You aren't going to sway me with CUA, I'm an old Smalltalk user from back in the day when the mice buttons were red, yellow and blue,and we were already using Ctrl-Z,X,C and V. These made their way into the Apple HIG (IIRC) and the IBM CUA didn't adopt them till later (Ctrl-C was for IBMers).

Liam may well be using CUA, but I'd venture that is a dying art (says the person who admitted to using CodeWright and its decidely non-CUA, non-Windows-common-usage keystrokes: Copy is GREY-+ (on the numeric keypad) and always will be!

Hence vi. That was what was the available editor when I started using Unix.* IME one of the best things about it are ex mode commands for making bulk changes. The notation has passed into common use here with expressions such as s/emacs/vi/g

I've just taken a quick look at your preferred tilde and rebounded promptly: grey on medium blue. These old eyes prefer the contrast of black on white with white on black as an acceptable alternative. I do take your point about CUA. It's been built into many GUI interfaces, at least to some degree, for a long time except those which seem insistent into drifting off into realms unknown.

* Not strictly true, the first Unix box was supplied without a few things including vi & C shell but had the Rand editor which I've never seen since. First day in a new job where it was vi rather than Rand was a slight panic,managed by vague memories of ex commands and an after-work dash to Dillons. The hastily bought book on vi is still in my bookshelves.

I got the "insert mode" bug with "aedit" on Intel systems. That was at least an improvement on CREDIT, the CRT editor, which did "insert mode" by clearing the screen from the cursor onwards, you type stuff, then after pressing ESC the remaining text gets repainted. I suppose it made sense with a 300baud terminal, running on an 8080.

Talking about VT editors, anybody seen WordStar on a serial terminal? Amazingly functional!. Keyboard input is absolutely prioritised, so that it keeps up with a touch-typist at 1200baud, but it uses any pauses in typing to move the cursor around and update the surrounding text - on the current line as the first priority, then the page below the current line when possible. Amazing piece of real-time design.!

There is also vi on a 300, even 110, baud acoustic link. vi knows about this and drops from 24 lines to like 6 lines. Stunts like this is why termcap used to be very important: optimize all the cursor movements. Which also gave a place to define your cherished keystrokes in a section say "VT100-PRR". Keystroking is such a personal thing, I don't know how we let the GUI absorb and hide it. 152ee80cbc

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