The Utilities section provides access to several common actions related to Jupyter Notebooks. "Use Python3" sets the TACC Python3 module as part of your default modules so that TAP will use Python3 for Jupyter Notebooks. If you want to use a non-default Python installation, such as Conda, you will need to install it yourself via the system command line. TAP will use the first "jupyter-notebook" command in your $PATH, so make sure that the command "which jupyter-notebook" returns the Jupyter Notebook you want to use. Conda install typically configures your environment so that Conda is first on your $PATH.

As for all the rest -- looking, listening, thinking and writing --Harriet the spy is the perfect role model. Spiral notebooks like hers aregreat (they're what I use). So are all kinds of journals, diaries,poems, plays, notes to friends, scribbles on napkins -- everything counts.For years, when my boys were little, I wrote almost nothing but letters. ButI wrote a lot of letters. The more you do it, the better you'll get.Don't worry about making mistakes; don't worry about lookingfoolish. Just get out your ball-point (or flick on your PC) and fire away.There may be no rules, but there is one guarantee: if you don't write,you'll never be a writer.


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TN: I don't know if I have a typical work day. It depends onwhere I am in a particular project. Early on, I get up about seven, havebreakfast, read the newspaper and then proceed to look for every possibleexcuse not to get to work. When I run out of those, I scribble in my notebookfor a couple of hours, eat lunch, and scribble for awhile more -- or answerletters, or do research, or call my editor, or read a book, or take a walk,or go to a movie, or answer interview questions (all of which I've donetoday, except for the movie). And then it's time for supper.

But once I really get deep into a project, I don't doanything but write. I have no life. I still cook and eat meals occasionally,but that's pretty much it. I don't really sleep; the book startsinvading my dreams, jerking me awake every couple of hours. I was in themiddle of Earthshine when the big Northridge earthquake hit, but Icouldn't stop writing. While the electricity was off, I scribbled in mynotebook, then typed the whole carnival chapter as soon as it came on. I wasa madwoman.

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It is useless. Though I like the option to select which notebook to import the note to, there is no choice as Evernote Clearly to clean the webpage and make it easy to read. Plus the timestamp bug with year 1969 mentioned earlier.

And we are still waiting... I would also love to have more control over the fields. Currently, there's only one field and whatever you type in there ends up in both the title and body of the note. I would love to be able to have control over title, content, tags, and notebook. e24fc04721

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