You can copy data from an Excel spreadsheet and when you paste it into Conceptboard, each cell will appear as online post-it notes in a perfect grid alignment. You can then colour code and rearrange notes as you need on the board.

Once everyone has added their thoughts on the online post-it notes board, you can rearrange and group similar ideas and topics. It can be easier to go through all the ideas when they are in a clear, visual layout. This can help you see similarities and affinities, as well as highlight priorities or roadmaps.

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You can use digital sticky notes within any of our online business templates. We have a vast library of ready-to-use templates you can use immediately. All of these templates are perfect for collaborating with online sticky notes within remote teams. Here are just a few of our more popular templates:

One of the most useful features within Conceptboard is the ability to update access settings for different users. This is a useful tool when sharing the board with external stakeholders and clients. You can access this tool from the Share button in the top right of the board and choose between Editor, Reviewer or Reader roles. While Owners and Editors have full access, Reviewers can only access the Scribble Pen, Comments, and Sticky Notes functions, and Readers have read-only accessibility and cannot make edits. You also have the option to set a password for the board for added security.

Sticky notes are the best way to convey ideas in a brainstorming session, plan out tasks on a road map, or build affinities on an affinity map. Here are just a few other ways digital sticky notes can be used:

During an online meeting, you only have time to note down the main points. So use an online whiteboard and digital sticky notes to capture the key topics. That way, everyone can see and contribute to the board. If you use a format such as a Stand-Up meeting, sticky notes are also an easy way for team members to add their notes ahead of the meeting.

They are just a few specific use cases for digital sticky notes, but really the options are endless. Anytime you need to share an idea or collaborate with a colleague online, sticky note boards will help you get the message across.

Thank you for using conceptboard! We are always happy for new ideas and I can assure you, we are working hard to implement more and more of these in the future :) I can not promise you, that this particular feature for sticky-notes will be coming, but you are not the first to suggest this ;)

While traditional sticky notes have served us well in the physical world, the virtual realm has introduced a whole new level of convenience and accessibility. Welcome to the era of online whiteboards and sticky tools.

Anyone looking for a robust, comprehensive, and feature-rich online whiteboards and notes tool, look no further than ClickUp. The ClickUp Whiteboards feature provides a virtual canvas for ideas, workflows, and strategies.

And by content, we mean virtually anything. As one of the sticky note board tools, it obviously serves for creating various online sticky notes, but the padlets can also contain video and audio files, photos, freehand drawings, links to YouTube or Twitter, and more.

What IdeaBoardz does is really extremely simple: you create an online sticky note board with one or more sections and then add notes to it. You can share the board with your team or other collaborators via URL or export it as PDF or XI.

CardBoard is an online collaborative workspace solution based around virtual sticky note features, but with features that make it more complex and convenient for team collaboration and remote meetings than the plain post-it corkboard apps.

Completely customizable and shareable, it allows teams to communicate in real-time across their digital whiteboards and to use templates (also customizable) to map workflows, user stories, agendas, flowcharts, and much more.

Stickies allow teams to create multiple sheets on the same board, to keep sessions well-organized and tidy. You can even stick the post one on top of the other to organize similar notes or the ones that are relevant to each other. This online whiteboard tool also features an infinite canvas functionality.

If what you need is virtual sticky notes geared toward brainstorming, check out GroupMap. This real-time online collaboration solution is ideal for events, meetings, conferences, and workshops. The user creates a map and then invites other participants to share their thoughts using a sticky note, after which they can all analyze the results, also in real-time.

Fans of the Google Workspace suite probably already know about Google Jamboard; the rest should definitely check it out. This digital interactive whiteboard with handwritten stickies is designed for use with the Jamboard device, which is a 55-inch physical board compatible with Workspace, but it also comes as a web app and a mobile app.

The web and mobile apps allow users to write or draw on jam boards, which can be grouped into sessions and distributed as tabs. They can also search Google, insert images or even web pages, and work on a jamboard using Google Meet.

Projects are presented as slideshows, with 20 frames per jam. Slideshows are automatically saved to Google Drive. Frames themselves represent a blank whiteboard, on which users can draw, write or upload content.

Note that the frames are not simple sticky notes, but there is a note feature with which you can type in text directly. Otherwise, writing a sticky note and freehand drawing is done using a special pen (for those using the Jamboard device), touch screen, mouse, or touchpad.

The vast world of online sticky note tools offers a range of solutions, from the simplest note-taking applications to complex project management platforms. The best choice will align with your unique needs and workflow.

It's easy to use online sticky notes with Mural. Create a note simply by double-clicking on the canvas. Customize the look and feel with shapes, colors, and fonts, and even link to external resources. Organize all your digital sticky notes into categories based on themes, create diagrams and mind maps, brainstorm ideas, or track progress. The options are only as limited as your imagination.

To add a new virtual sticky note to a mural canvas, simply double-click on the canvas. You can also choose to add stickies from the menu. Plus, if you have an existing sticky note with a particular style, double-clicking next to it will automatically create a new note with the same look and feel.

Sticky notes have unlimited possibilities. Run a retrospective, start brainstorming, or plan out your roadmap. Creative With Ideaflip there is no friction between having ideas and writing them down. Our simple sticky notes keep your discussion flowing.

While the Federal Reserve has made no decisions on whether to pursue or implement a central bank digital currency, or CBDC, we have been exploring the potential benefits and risks of CBDCs from a variety of angles, including through technological research and experimentation. Our key focus is on whether and how a CBDC could improve on an already safe and efficient U.S. domestic payments system.

CBDC is generally defined as a digital liability of a central bank that is widely available to the general public. Today in the United States, Federal Reserve notes (i.e., physical currency) are the only type of central bank money available to the general public. Like existing forms of money, a CBDC would enable the general public to make digital payments. As a liability of the Federal Reserve, however, a CBDC would be the safest digital asset available to the general public, with no associated credit or liquidity risk.

One of the benefits of digital sticky notes is the ability to edit, add to, and organize your brainstorming session quickly and easily. Take your unorganized wall of notes and convert them into a more structured visual that you can build on and share with team members and stakeholders. Take advantage of easy-to-use features like assisted grouping, tags, and color-coding to help you sort through items quickly, visualize themes, and convert ideas into action.

Easily incorporate your online sticky notes into any structured brainstorming session to help your team stay motivated and efficient. Use a timer to set a specific time for each brainstorming session and keep your team on track as you ideate, discuss, or take breaks. Evaluate your ideas by setting up a quick voting session amongst your team, and then visualize the results to more quickly decide which direction to take. 

I very quickly decided the Audio Note copper coupling caps on the line board were ok, but can be better. I changed them to V-Cap Teflons. Fitting these immediately changed the sound both in character and detail level. Also the dynamics went up a notch as did bass drive and texture. The V-Caps took 400+ hours to burn in, and that was a bit of a nightmare, as the sound is all over the place during that period. Best thing is hang in there, the goodies are coming. At 400 hours the sound was truly magical. The 2 x 5687 Tungsol NOS were singing indeed at this point.

More recently I started looking at the I/V transformers, as talking the Peter Q at Audio Note UK, these play a key role in the digital to analogue section in all Audio Note DACs. The ones on the AN website are expensive, 1,800 for the Trans-496 that is fitted to the higher level DACs such as the DAC 5 Special which retails for 25K. I started scouring the web and found a guy in the Netherlands who was breaking down an Audio Note and would sell me his Trans-496. I was amazed at the increase in soundstage and depth with these transformers, it was incredible. Everything got bigger and more 3D, with even more detail.

However, as with an increase in sound quality and as the detail goes up, there is a sonic price to pay. That detail (treble) has to sound smooth and real, not 'hi-fi' or the whole illusion is gone. I am convinced this aspect in built in to various DACs as the SQ and price goes up. You can't have total transparency if the components in that DAC are not up to it, or harsh treble and listening fatigue will result IMO. My DAC was so close to perfect at this point, I knew it was fixable. Thinking about it, and reading capacitor reviews, I began to think the V-Cap Teflons were very detailed, but were adding something else not in the music. Wanting to find out, I bought some Duelund Copper Cast for the coupling position on the line board. WOW, right away these sound so natural, almost as detailed as the V-Caps BUT really realistic and so liquid smooth (I have Stax 009s and they show everything). Now very happy indeed. e24fc04721

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