Transformers: Fall of Cybertron is a direct sequel to the 2010 game War for Cybertron that was released on August 21, 2012. Published by Activision and developed by High Moon Studios (with the PC version being handled by Mercenary Technology), the game is a continuation of the events of War for Cybertron. It explores the Autobots' attempts to escape from a rapidly deteriorating Cybertron aboard the Ark, as well as the gradual downfall and collapse of the remnants of Cybertronian society. A side story also focuses on the creation of the Dinobots.

Considerably darker in tone than its predecessor, the game begins with Optimus Prime outright conceding defeat to the Decepticons, who are in no better straits than their enemies. The story does not shy away from the grim realities of a dying planet and its inhabitants who cope with it. Characters grieve their losses, be it their home or their comrades. Both sides are depicted resorting to extremes just to keep fighting another day, and all hope seems lost. Yet a critical discovery by Grimlock may light the way for the Transformer species to a new era and hope; provided they can survive the fall of Cybertron.

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The Ark heads off to the portal which will take them to Earth. Megatron invades the ship using the Nemesis, sending Decepticons over directly to the bridge of the Ark, forcing Bumblebee, Ratchet and Optimus Prime to fight off the aggressors. With more Decepticons swarming the engine room, Optimus heads off to help, leaving Bumblebee to protect the bridge. The artillery cannons are taken offline and the ship blows a fuse. Ratchet sends Bumblebee off to fix it, and after braving nearly being sucked into space, the scout soon replaces the fuse and ascends up a lift to the defense tower. He witnesses Autobots being overrun by a Titan and then on another level, Soundwave, Laserbeak and Rumble attacking. He reaches the defense mainframe and rushes the Decepticon manning it, reactivating the Ark's guns. The tower is hit by a claw that knocks him down a shaft. With his alternator jarred back into gear, Bumblebee transforms and races through an outer area, avoiding explosions, Decepticon tow cables and large chunks of rubble. He passes Bruticus having a brawl and bringing an onslaught of destruction. He makes it to a stronghold, restocking on ammo, energon and weapons. He fights his way through a few waves of Decepticons, making his way to the engine room, where Prime and Megatron are doing battle. He pushes through enemy lines, with the help of two Titans, and makes his way to the engine room. There he finds Optimus and Megatron engaging in a fierce melee battle on the hull of the ship, and just as Megatron fires a huge cannon at Optimus, Bumblebee throws himself forwards, taking the shot meant for Prime. As Bumblebee falls, Optimus lifts his body...

Sideswipe drops Jazz and Cliffjumper off over the Sea of Rust in the middle of a rust storm to look for Grimlock. In a ruined base, they find a crashed ship which they recognize as one that was stolen by Grimlock from the base. They soon spot Decepticons moving around and sneak inside the base. As they stealthily make their way through, they overhear some Decepticons discussing Shockwave and his "pets". Using a garbage conveyor, Cliffjumper finds himself in an ancient tomb where guardians are roaming around, scanning for Autobots. Jazz reports the rust storm is increasing in intensity outside. Cliffjumper finds a huge domed room and activates a starmap that shows him an image of Earth. Continuing through the tomb, Cliffjumper finds more Decepticons, plus sword marks and a trail of destruction he recognizes as Grimlock's work. Eventually he reaches outside again and spots Jazz, but a collapse cuts them off from each other. Cliff hunts through the storm and finds Jazz, freeing his companion from some fallen debris. They soon find more devastation and Jazz detects a faint Autobot distress signal which Cliffjumper tracks to a huge pit, just as the Decepticons seal it. Luckily the two Autobots find a huge bomb they use to blow the pit open and, leaving Cliffjumper behind, Jazz leaps in.

Jazz reaches the bottom of the pit, where he discovers Sludge, who has been so badly damaged he's been forced into stasis lock. The audio he plays back from Sludge's memory is not promising. The meaning of the green pods Jazz spots is clear when he finds himself under attack by the Insecticon horde. He blasts a tank which releases a toxic green gas, and he has to race to escape in time. Escaping the pit, he seals it and pair continue to look for the source of the distress signal. They stumble on a huge lake filled with energon which the Decepticons are mining. They fight their way across the moat to the Decepticon facility where Cliffjumper promptly manages to trip an alarm. Jazz utilizes a network of service tunnels, but creeping down one of them, he falls through a grating and is ambushed. Naturally he fights the Decepticons off and even helps out Cliffjumper who's pinned down by Wall Crawlers and other Decepticons. The pair rendezvous at the other side of the moat and head inside the tower. Within, they find Insecticons in tubes and a map pointing to Earth's solar system. Intriguing! Further in, they find Shockwave arguing with Starscream via hologram. Cliffjumper fails to creep up on Shockwave, who sets a bunch of Insecticons on them before leaving. While Jazz keeps the Insecticons busy, Cliffjumper diverts toxic waste into the refinery to make it overload. The refinery starts to melt down and the pair book out, getting picked up by Sideswipe just in time. Jazz contacts Optimus with the news there's a lake of energon ripe for the taking. The Autobots begin preparing a massive energon transport to take the energon to the Ark.

After reaching the defense panel room and meleeing the Decepticon standing beside it, Bumblebee reactivates the pulse guns to fire at Megatron's ship. Out of nowhere, a docking cable rises from in front of the panel, lunging forward at the Autobot. Bumblebee dodges it, and, as the gravity of space vacuums through the room, Bumblebee dodges the cable again, falling down an open shaft. After landing at the bottom, Ratchet informs him that the fall "jarred his alternator back into gear." Bumblebee transforms into his Cybertronian vehicle form and races off, as Bruticus throws a large object at the Autobot, only for him to dodge it with ease. e24fc04721

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