From our core values to our compensation plan, the Norwex opportunity is second to none.

It's ALWAYS free to join.

You don't need to make any upfront financial investment to become a consultant. You pay $9.99+tax to ship your kit.

You earn 35% from the day you start.

You start earning income from the day you join. No waiting periods or minimum sales.

You receive a 35% product discount..

Consultants receive a 35% discount on all regular priced product AND on all customer specials, warehouse sales and flash sales.

No autoship commitments or monthly sales requirements.

You get to do this business your way.

FAQ's About Joining Norwex & Current Starter Kit

Common Concerns

I don't know many people.

Honestly, most of us feel this way. The reason is because we immediately think "I don't know many people who would for sure make a purchase." That's ok! The truth is... everyone is cleaning with something. There is never any pressure for someone to purchase from us. We simply invitate to come and learn. So we invite as many people as we can and let them make the decision!

I don't know if I have the time.

Absolutely. Our lives our full! The beauty of this opportunity is that it truly fits in the 'cracks' of life. It doesn't require you to show up for a certain amount of time at a certain location. The flexibility alongside the income potential is what makes this industry such a smart choice for busy families.

I don't feel like I would be good at 'sales'.

This is SUCH a common concern! But the good news is, you don't have to be good at sales. In fact, if you instead focus on SERVING people instead of SELLING to them, you will experience much greater success without feeling like you have to become someone you're not. When you focus on inviting, educating and respecting boundaries, you will be able to grow a business that fits who YOU are.

What is the minimum to stay a consultant?

To keep your account active, submit a $250 retail order every 3 months (that's before your 35% discount)

I'm nervous about being 'pushy' or bugging people.

We want to invite people to learn about Norwex. If they choose to say "no thank you" we simply say "no problem!" You never need to sacrifice relationship for the sake of a successful business. There are a LOT of people out there who have not heard of Norwex yet!

I don't have a very big friends & family group.

A big personal circle is not a prequisite to a successful business. The faster you move outside your immediate contacts, the stronger you will grow. You only need 1 or 2 friends to partner with you to help you get started.

What if I don't sell $1000 in 30 days or $2000 in 90 days?

You simply pay $200+tax at the end of 90 days, which is still a fantastic price for the value of your Starter Kit (worth $300)

Trust me... it's WORTH IT to give it a try!!

If you're not sure if this is the right decision for you... give it the 'pillow test'. If you lay down tonight and you DON'T think about this opportunity, and you DON'T think about what the extra income would mean and you DON'T think about where this could take you... then it's not for you.

However, if you have a nervous excitement inside of you that just won't let go and you feel scared but crazy excited at the same time... then trust me, you want to give this a try. I am here to help coach and support you every step of the way!


This could be the beginning of something incredible.