Join Superintendent Addis at the following events to ask your questions in person! For more information, please call the Superintendent's Office at 330-825-0863.

Norton City Schools Finance Presentation April 16th at 6:30 pm, Norton High School

  1. Are you needing additional funds due to building a new high school? No. The funds to build the new high school were provided through the Bond issue that was passed and funds from the OFCC. The funds needed to operate buildings are not mixed with funds to build buildings. Additionally, the new building is a "green" building.
  2. Are you needing additional funds due to building a new field house? No. The field house dollars are not coming from operating funds.
  3. Why do you need more money when a Permanent Improvement Levy was just passed in May 2017? PI (Permanent Improvement) levy dollars can only be used for buses, building maintenance such as roofs, heating, plumbing, etc., and technology. These dollars cannot be used for salaries. This levy in May is an operating levy. It is used to purchase supplies, curriculum, pay for utilities and pay staff to instruct, assist, and maintain the operation of the district and its schools.
  4. My home's value has been going up. Aren't you getting more taxes from me anyway? No. Home value increase DOES NOT EQUAL MORE REVENUE for the Norton City Schools. Ohio Law (HB 920) prevents districts from collecting more money that the original voted tax would generate. This means that as home values increase, the same amount of revenue is collected and the tax burden is just divided further.
  5. How much does it cost to educate a child in Norton? An average of $9,632/per student.
  6. Why can't you continue to operate with the current dollars? Unfortunately, there are many state and national initiatives that are often forced upon districts without regard to how they are financed. Here are some areas where Norton City Schools has lost or was never provided funding for implementation:
        • Tangible Personal Property Tax Hold Harmless Payments no longer provided -$463,000
        • Transportation cost approximately -$12,000
        • College Credit Plus (CCP) -$146,000
        • Community Schools -$257,000
        • New Ohio Budget bill -$1.1 billion dollars for all Ohio public schools since January
        • Testing costs have exceeded $6,000 annually
        • Pre-School State Mandates TBD
        • New Gifted Mandates TBD
  7. What will happen if the levy does not pass? We are confident every effort will be made to reduce the impact limited funding will have on instruction. Here are some possible areas where spending may be affected.
        • Limitations on extra-curricular activities
        • Reduced Busing
        • Implementation of Pay-to-Participate
        • Larger class sizes and/or reduction of staff

Please email Superintendent Dana Addis with any questions regarding the levy at daddis@nortonschools.org.