Some Garage Door Maintenance Tips by The Professionals!

There are many parts in a garage door like cables, springs, tracks, rollers, chains, and others. All of which required proper maintenance and repair to avoid any problems during their working life.

If you run into an issue with your garage door, look for a residential garage door repair company to fix a problem quickly.

The following are some maintenance tips that will extend the life of a garage door.

Avoid Rust

One of the main reasons for causing a garage door’s moving parts to stop working is — Rust. Also, rust adds to a garage door’s wear and tear as it decreases the garage door’s strength and durability. Therefore, the lifespan of the garage door will decrease with rusted parts.

Rust increases the friction in the garage door’s moving parts, causing the garage door to start making unpleasant noises while opening and closing.

When this issue occurs, you should look for residential garage door repair before a minor problem becomes a significant issue.

Maintenance Tip #1

With a garage door’s moving parts, you should use a good quality lubricant to reduce the friction. By doing this, the moving parts will remain in good condition, and the garage door will work last longer.

Regular Maintenance

Timely maintenance will improve a garage door’s performance and lifespan. Therefore, regular and timely maintenance services are essential to keep a garage door in the best condition and reduce costs in the long run.

If you live in Pacoima and have issues with your garage door, you should look for residential garage door repair in Pacoima.

Maintenance Tip #2

Find a reliable and experienced garage door company that provides the best and high-quality service and keep their information. They will come in handy when you need regular maintenance or require emergency service.

Temperature Changes

Temperature change is one of the factors that is most often ignored by homeowners. However, it does significantly impact the lifespan and function of a garage door, especially during heavy cold winters or scorching summers. These extreme temperature changes will put extra pressure on a garage door’s functioning parts and add additional wear and tear.

Maintenance Tip #3

Schedule regular maintenance about the same time each year. Whether it is before summer or winter, a garage door will perform better with regularly scheduled maintenance.


Following these tips will save money in the long run. It will help you keep your garage door running smoothly, and it will last longer.

Remember, if there is some problem with your garage door that you can’t fix, don’t think twice about seeking a professional’s assistance. For a top residential garage door repair company, look no further than North Valley Garage Doors. Contact us today to learn more!