North PDX Connected is an active transportation improvement plan for North Portland focusing on the N Willamette Blvd corridor. Based in community input, the plan seeks to improve safety and comfort for people walking, biking, and taking transit along the corridor and to ensure equitable engagement and distribution of impacts. The enhanced corridor will help connect neighborhoods in North Portland to each other and to the rest of the city.

Download the Final Report Below (published June 11th, 2018)

North PDX Connected

Full Report

North PDX Connected

Summary Report

Download Individual Chapters from the Full Report Below:

CH 1 | Executive Summary

CH 2 | Introduction

CH 3 | Existing Conditions

CH 4 | Community Engagement

CH 5 | Recommendations

CH 6 | Appendix

North PDX Connected | Project Mission

Working in partnership with interested community stakeholders and historically underrepresented groups, PACE Planning aims to create an active transportation plan for N Willamette Blvd that provides a safe and comfortable connection for people walking, biking, and rolling throughout the peninsula. Recommendations promote the equitable distribution of impacts among all North Portlanders.

Goal 1 | Process

Engage community members to collect opinions, concerns, hopes, and ideas for the corridor, with additional focus on priority groups who have historically been excluded from planning processes, such as People of Color, youth, and people with low incomes.

Goal 2 | Product

Develop recommendations that improve safety and comfort for people walking, biking, and accessing transit on N Willamette Blvd between the Killingsworth MAX station and the St. Johns Bridge.

Goal 3 | Impact

Assess the potential benefits and burdens caused by active transportation investment and offer recommendations to promote an equitable distribution among all North Portlanders.