About Us


The Northmont High School Hope Squad consists of 10 students from each grade level. These students were nominated by their peers. Students nominated peers based on the following criteria:

Who is someone you could go to in a time of need?

Who is someone who is concerned about others?

Who is someone who is sincere and trustworthy?

Who is someone you would go to in a time of crisis?

Hope Squad is a school-based, peer-to-peer suicide prevention program that deploys trained students to do intentional outreach with distressed peers. Hope Squad follows a four-year curriculum that emphasizes suicide prevention fundamentals, self-care, and anti-bullying. The Hope Squad involves training students and staff to recognize suicide warning signs and to act upon those warnings to support students to seek help from other adults.


Students learn self care strategies, as well as how to help their peers in times of need.

Hope Squad does NOT mean that students are responsible for helping another student cope with problems. Hope Squad DOES mean that students will learn the proper techniques to identify issues and report them to an adult.