Regatta Registrations

Please Remember if you park behind the high rise

 use ONLY the upper lot.


Sailing instructions and registration forms are

 attached to the NOR's

Check the 2024 Calendar the races listed should be in order by date.

NVMYC Facebook Page


Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024

If nothing else print part 2 for yourself.

In consideration of accepting this entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators waive and release any and all right to claim damages that I or my family may have or acquire against the Northern Virginia Model Yacht Club or their membership, the sailing site, the sailing site managers, employees, agents, representatives or assigns, or the American Model Yachting Association, or its members for any and all injuries suffered by me or my family during the regatta and related events. I have read the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions for the Regatta and accept its conditions and rules.



SIGNATURE____________________________________________ DATE______________