Northern Tablelands By-Election, 22 June 2024

A better, fairer, Northern Tablelands

 Your vote is powerful.   Use it to send a strong message to the major parties about reducing the cost of living and protecting our precious planet.

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Fairer health, education & social services

Fund rural & regional healthcare, education and social services according to needs, not just population, and provide the same quality of service as major cities

Affordable housing

Government to build affordable, energy-efficient new homes designed for our climate to supplement existing rentals & reduce renters’ cost livings

End climate-damaging subsidies

Save our climate, our money & our wildlife by ending subsidies for coal, gas & native forest logging (costing $441 per hectare in 2021).

Climate Action

Invest savings from not subsidizing coal, gas & logging into the cheapest form of electricity (renewables + storage) & other climate action to protect our precious planet and reduce the risk of increasing droughts, floods, devastating storms & bushfires.

Renewable Energy Rewards

Oblige renewable energy developers to offer low-cost energy deals for Renewable Energy Zone residents; remove bureaucratic barriers to accessing energy-efficiency rebates in non metropolitan areas

Convenient public transport

Develop a Northern Tablelands transport plan, ideally connecting Armidale, Guyra, Glen Innes, Inverell & Bundarra at least twice a day as well as connections to Uralla, Tamworth, Sydney and Brisbane

Local decision-making

Reverse cost shifting to local councils, reduce grandiose grants for ‘pork-barrelling’ projects and instead invest in local decision making, so local councils can spend funds where they will do the most good.

Truth in political advertising

Strong legislation to require claims made by politicians an all election material to be based on the truth. Claims, e.g. that nuclear power in Australia will not increase power prices to be based on reputable sources.

Putting People Before Politics

Dear Friends and Neighbours,

As an Armidale resident for over 30 years and an elected councilor, I put people before politics, and advocate strongly for a fair share of resources for this region.

We deserve the same quality of government services and healthcare and as long a life expectancy as metropolitan areas. I would stand up for this in the NSW Parliament.

We need strong climate action to protect agricultural productivity, our environment, our wildlife and the future of our children. 

If NSW had the same coal royalties as Queensland, NSW would have had an extra $4.2-6.2 billion last financial year. Combined with putting an end to climate-damaging subsidies, cheap local renewable power, and the same access to energy-efficiency rebates as major cities, this would fund the services we need and alleviate our ever-rising cost of living. 

Slashing the bureaucracy that demands major time and effort obtaining funds would allow local decision-making and local solutions such as justice reinvestment to create safer, friendlier communities with less need to spend public money on courts, lawyers and the $147,900 it costs per person per year for keeping people in prison.     

Your vote is powerful. Use it to send a strong message to the major parties about reducing the cost of living and protecting our precious planet.

Yours sincerely,
Dorothy Robinson, Greens for Northern Tablelands 

Your vote is powerful

Use it for a better, fairer, region
and a government committed to

Low-cost renewable energy

No climate-damaging subsidies.  Redirect the money to:
  Health & Dental care
  Education & Social services
  Affordable housing

  Convenient public transport
  Reduced costs of living

  Climate Action to avoid disastrous climate tipping points & protect our planet, our future and our agricultural productivity

Replace bureaucracy & excessively time-consuming grant applications with local decision-making. 

Authorised by:
A. Croft for The Greens NSW, 19/1 Hordern Place, Camperdown, NSW 2050.