West Online School

A bank of recorded learning created by the West Partnership, Regional Improvement Collaborative, to support remote and/or flexible learning.

What is the West Online School?

The West Online School (West OS) is a collaborative, teacher-led response to feedback from children and young people. It seeks to improve outcomes for children and young people by providing recorded lessons online which can be accessed at a time and place of their choosing. Our vision is to promote equity by ensuring access to excellent learning experiences regardless of circumstances, including challenges which prevent full time attendance for whatever reason.

What content is available?

West OS is in its development phase. In the long term it aims to achieve its goal by producing and collating short, quality assured video lessons covering all elements of the 3-18 curriculum.

How should it be used?

The learning videos are most effective when a teacher or early year’s practitioner directs learners to a specific video/ video sequence and uses the videos alongside other learning activities provided by the practitioner.

The videos can also support learners working independently and, in some cases, associated learning activities are available alongside the videos.

How can West OS be accessed?

Staff, children and young people can access West OS via Glow *. The Glow tile is now live and should be added to your Launch Pad and advice given to pupils to add it to theirs (a Glow username and password required).

This resource has a wide range of video lessons which have been developed by teachers. Each video will have a unique url and can be signposted by practitioners via online learning environments such as Google Classroom, Teams, Showbie etc.

We are continuing to build this resource but there are lessons which cover some of primary and secondary BGE and some national qualifications.

*N.B. Your local authority may have made alternative arrangements for accessing the West Online School outwith Glow - contact your local authority digital team for advice.