
A shared understanding

Communicating with your school community is an essential part of supporting remote learning. This can include the likes of providing timescales for work, communicating support arrangements for families and engaging with staff and partners appropriately. The Education Endowment Foundation have provided some general principles for you to consider when communicating, as well as plenty of practical tips.

General Principles:

  1. Communication of home learning to parents and carers is simple and accessible

  2. Activities have been planned and adapted to meet the needs of families from a broad range of socioeconomic, educational and cultural backgrounds

  3. Simple, practical strategies have been given to parents and carers, suggesting ways they can support home learning

  4. Opportunities for parents to promote self regulation have been provided alongside the programme of work set

  5. Where there is parental demand for ways to support their children further, ideas for consolidating learning have been provided


Collectively Supporting Learner Engagement: Home Learning Charter

Here is an example of a home learning charter which can be used to create a shared understanding of what your support processes look like within the school and at home

Example Charter.docx

Creating a shared understanding: An example from Bannerman High School

Whilst it is important to create a shared understanding of home learning with parents and carers, it is also important to have that shared understanding with school staff. Here is an example of how Bannerman High School has supported that:

Guidance for Teachers Working from Home

This guidance aims to set out clear expectations for teaching staff if they are required to self-isolate and work from home for any period of time.

The overarching principle is to continue to deliver the best possible service to our young people and maintain continuity of education as afar as is possible. We do not want any young person to be disadvantaged as a consequence of restrictions imposed by Covid19.

This guidance sets out the sort of tasks and activities we would expect teachers to undertake while self-isolating and well.

If you are unwell there is no expectation that you would continue to work.

As our digital infrastructure improves, it is anticipated that some of the tasks outlined here will become much easier to complete. This guidance will be reviewed at each stage of the iPad roll out.

Teachers’ Duties:

  • Check in regularly with your Principal Teacher and share planned learning for all your classes. There should be an agreed schedule for this

  • Continue to prepare, devise and share lessons and learning programmes for your classes. These should be in a digital format and accessible online by all other staff, either through a shared platform such as Teams or by email.

  • Share the planned learning in advance with your Principal Teacher and, where possible, with the teacher picking up your class. This can be done through email or through other platforms such as Teams.

  • Provide learning activities which, if necessary, can be undertaken by the learners in your class with support from a non-subject specialist (as subject specialist cover cannot be guaranteed).

  • Where possible, make arrangements to gather in work from young people through digital platforms so that you can assess this work and provide timely feedback. Show My Homework, Teams, Showbie and email can all be used for this.

  • Review the learning undertaken daily by young people in your classes and adapt the future learning as appropriate.

  • This has been said already. Depending on the time of year, complete Tracking and Monitoring tasks and provide feedback to learners and families.

  • Continue to participate in CLPL activities either remotely or through independent activity.

  • Undertake any other tasks as directed by your PT.

What to Avoid:

  • Setting learning tasks which do to move learning forward. This would include providing tasks which are solely revision or which are so generic in nature that they will add little to programmes of study.

  • Setting learning activities which require another person, including the PT, to have to spend time photocopying, collating or gathering resources for your classes. This is neither desirable nor practicable.

Principal Teachers Curriculum

In addition to the Teachers’ Duties above, Principal Teachers should:

  • Check in regularly with their teams through a suitable digital platform (including email)

Be responsive to phone or email contact throughout the day from departmental and other colleagues and continue to support and lead the department as far as is practicable.

Ensure that all learning activities for your classes are shared with the relevant staff members from your own and other departments as required. It would be very good practice to identify a member of the department who will liaise with the cover teachers for your classes.

Continue to undertake the management duties associated with your role as far as is practicable.

These could include, depending on time of year:

  • Monitoring learning and teaching plans for the team

  • Planning assessments

  • Tracking and monitoring

  • Developing Policy

  • Hosting meetings online

  • SQA tasks

  • Class lists and timetabling

  • Improvement planning tasks

  • Staff welfare and support

  • Communicating with learners and their families

  • Ensuring young people who are isolating at home are able to access quality subject learning tasks

Clerical staff in the school can provide strong support in terms of accessing home contacts as required.

PTs Pupil Support

In addition to the Teachers’ Duties above, Principal Teachers Pupil Support should:

  • Check in regularly (see comment above) with their SLT lead and wider Pastoral Care team as required.

  • Continue to support young people and their families remotely through phone and digital platforms

  • Be responsive to queries and communications from staff, partners and families

  • Monitor attendance and communicate with families as far as is practicable. HSSW and clerical staff can provide data support for this.

  • Liaise with Year Head and Pupil Support colleagues to ensure Pastoral notes are kept up to date.

  • Undertake strategic tasks as applicable to remit including:

    • Tracking & monitoring and the analysis of this

    • Improvement planning tasks

    • Supporting home learning for young people in isolation- in partnership with PTs Curriculum and wider pupil support team

    • Liaison with partners and any associated actions


In addition to the Teachers’ Duties above, SLT should:

  • Check in with each other throughout the day as required

  • Be responsive to queries and communications from staff, partners and families

  • Support staff from link departments and wider school as required by remit

  • Provide year group support via digital means, including video (as far as is practicable)

Communicate with young people and families as required

Contacts Lists

The following lists are editable and can be disseminated to school staff and families. It contains support contacts which can be designed to suit your own needs.

Useful Contacts for Staff.docx
Useful contacts for parents.docx