Metacognition and Self Regulation

Meta-cognition and self regulation are key supports where children and young people are working more independently in a remote learning environment. Strategies to support these skills can help pupils to plan, monitor and evaluate their learning. The Education Endowment Foundation makes a number of recommendations based on research:

Points to Consider:

  1. Which explicit strategies can you teach your pupils to help them plan, monitor, and evaluate specific aspects of their learning?

  2. How can you give them opportunities to use these strategies with support, and then independently?

  3. How can you ensure you set an appropriate level of challenge to develop pupils’ self-regulation and metacognition in relation to specific learning tasks?

  4. In the classroom, how can you promote and develop metacognitive talk related to your lesson objectives?

  5. What professional development is needed to develop your knowledge and understanding of these approaches? Have you considered professional development interventions which have been shown to have an impact in other schools?


Have you got something to share?

Over time, we will be uploading pieces of real life practice from highly skilled practitioners across the Northern Alliance. We'll aim to feature these within our pedagogy pages where you will be able to see how our colleagues across the region are utilising effective pedagogy within a remote environment to improve outcomes for children and young people.

So, contact us! Click on the button at the bottom of the page at any point.