2019 Workshop

"Back to the Basics and Beyond"

The 2019 workshop was hosted by the University of Dallas in Irving, Texas on January 11, 2019.

The theme was "Back to the Basics and Beyond."

2019 Program PDF

Please join us for a vendor neutral one day interactive program on all things serials. The morning will be devoted to defining the world of serials, discussing the life cycle of e-resources, and other factors to consider in serials-land. It will include defining the terms to ordering/selecting to maintaining serials—plus a glimpse at other considerations tangent to serials management. We will look at special considerations for public and academic libraries.

As the day progresses, we will move from basic serials to how serials interact in various platforms. The workshop will conclude in the afternoon with breakout sessions to share individual experiences with each system.

This session is appropriate for anyone who wants to learn more about serials; whether you are new to serials or jumped in the deep end with no direction. It is vendor and library type neutral.

Come prepared with your questions and to discuss your specific serials neighborhood!

The registration fee is $25, which includes breakfast and lunch, and will be hosted by the University of Dallas in Irving, Texas.

Registration is closed.

Featured presenter for 2019:

Carol Seiler, MLS, has been with EBSCO as an Account Services Manager for over 10 years total. Carol has worked within or for libraries since floppy drives and CD ROM towers with experience in public, medical, and academic libraries. Most recently she was the Technical Services trainer at the Amigos consortia (creating and providing training as well as online conferences) and prior to that was Associate Director for Baylor College of Dentistry/Baylor Health Care System (a split between a hospital system and a dental school). She is a certified Serials Holdings trainer with SCCTP (Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program) as well as CHIS (Certified Health Information Specialist) with MLA (Medical Library Association).