North Queen Anne Book Club

Club rules

The club is open to anyone, but in particular to anyone living in North Queen Anne in Seattle as that's where we meet.

We recommend you read the book picked for a given meeting to be able to participate in the discussion. This is not, however, a hard and fast rule and in particular we don't have any rules requiring anyone to finish the book.

Club format 

We meet about every six weeks, depending on how the calendar looks and how long the book is, typically on Monday evenings. We rotate among the membership for hosting of the meeting. The host will share three book nominations via email and group members will respond to the host with their vote. The host will then email the group to confirm the final book selection and date of the next meeting.

Ideally books should be readily available from Queen Anne Book Company, the Seattle Public Library, and/or Amazon.

Club books

Please see the Books section for the upcoming and past books.

How to join

We're open to new members. You can apply to join by visiting our mailing list at!forum/north-queen-anne-book-club

Please include: