North Korean cultural websites

Korean Association of Cooks 

 – This website has hundreds of recipes for Korean dishes. There are also restaurant reviews for Pyongyang and details about the association.

Korean Books

  – Launched in 2017 by the Korea Computer Center as an offshoot of the Naenara website, Korean Books sells what you’d think it does. The books are the stock North Korean ideological texts — “immortal classics” as described by the Foreign Languages Publishing House that prints them — and some tamer fare such as picture books.

Korea Film Corporatio

n  – This site provides details about NOrth Korean movie production houses and the Pyongyang International Film Festival, a movie festival held in Pyongyang every two years. This site gives details about the event, organization and selection of movies. There’s a second site run by a Chinese travel company that focuses on tourism packages (see the travel listing).

Mansudae Art Stud

io  – Italian-based international agents for Pyongyang’s famous Mansudae Art Studio. Art works can be bought online and shipped worldwide from Italy.

Korean Post

ers  – An offshoot of the Mansudae Art Studio website, this one specializes in hand painted North Korean propaganda posters. Prices aren’t listed and you have to email them to find availability.

North Korea B

ooks  – A Beijing-based online store that sells North Korean books and DVDs. The prices are optimistic, with a DVD of “Comrade Kim Goes Flying” listed at time of writing for $350 and some propaganda books at up to $179. Shipping is from Beijing.

Korea Public

ation  – Another Beijing-based online retailer of North Korean books. This website appears to be only available in Korean, despite the presence of an “English” button near the top. Prices are quotes in euros and just as optimistic at the site listed above.