
March 31st 2020

Dear Middle schoolers,

I understand time has been difficult right now.

You can finish your PowerPoint presentation for after Spring Break.
Send it to me before April 10th. You already have my email address, I'd rather not put it here just in case.

Also, send me your draft, any sentences in French that you have trouble with. I can give you some feedback before you finish it.

Have a nice break and stay safe!


March 29 th 2020

Bonjour à tous,

Hope everyone is staying home and hanging in there.

I am preparing some new videos, it might take a while until they are ready but I hope you'll find them helpful.

Also, the documents are now public, you don't need to request access anymore.

You can share this site with anyone you want as you see fit, it is important to be help each other.

Thanks for you patience,


March 25th 2020

Bonjour à tous,

I am Lilly, Ghent Montessori French teacher in Norfolk. I made this website to be able to communicate better and put all the French work and videos accessible in only one location.

Check this website every week for your children.

Keep in mind, I have children too, by myself at home, so I do my best to have work and videos ready every week, but sometimes I will need more time and I apologize in advance for any inconvenience this might create.

Hope you'll enjoy this website
Stay healthy,
