
by Ember Moon

Hel: A Brief Overview

Hel is the daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda.. She has two brothers, the Midgard serpent Jörmungandr, and the great wolf, Fenrir. (Skalden, 2020)

Hel is the Queen of the Dead. She and her realm are described in the Prose Edda. Odin sent Hel into Neiflheimr (Helhiem) and gave her domain over all died of illness or old age (a straw death) from all of the nine realms. Her land is vast, and her gates are tall. She named her plate, "Hunger", and her knife, "Starvation (or famine)". The Eddic poems lend a view to life in Helheim, and it is one where basic needs, food, consumption, farming and relationships continue. It is different from the traditional Christian views of suffering and torture. (Crawford, 2018; Hel Facts, 2020)

She is half blue (dead) and half flesh colored (living). This description has moved to modern descriptions for Hel looking like a half-corpse and half-living being, divided down her nose. She looks sad and cruel. (Crawford, 2018)

Symbols that represent Hel, are the crow and the black dog. Her Hellhound is named Gamr. (Hell Facts, 2020; The Bond Kindred). Her colors are black and white. (The Bone Kindred). I also use ice blue. She is celebrated most oftenly around Yule and Samhain and common offerings include food left to rot or that is rotting, dark chocolate, dark bread, bones, and even pictures of ancestors. (The Bone Kindred).


“Hel • Facts & Mythology about the Norse Goddess of the Underworld.” Gods & Goddesses, 19 Oct. 2020, www.gods-and-goddesses.com/norse/hel/.

Jackson Crawford. (2018, December 11). The Afterlife and Hel in Norse Myth [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMTEFza9U5s

Skalden. (2020, August 27). Hel. Skjalden.Com. https://skjalden.com/hel/


My Experience:

I was introduced to Hel by Freya, and I was nervous but now I have a stronger understanding of death and life.

Before me stood a hauntingly beautiful woman, with pale hair and a slight build. When I work with and see her, she looks like a half corpse/ half living being. Her movements are slow, undetectable, but somehow I know she was moving. Her speech is not inflected, but rather flat.

She told me that I cannot live and appreciate life unless I know death. I am able to better appreciate what is around me and live more in the moment as a result of my work with her. She rules over many, providing for many ancestors and as the keeper of the dead, may be a strong connection to them.

The landscape of Helheim, in my experience is cold, damp, and dark. It is a land of snow, caves, and winter looking fields. I have crossed the great River of Swords, seen Garm, and stood in a snowy white filed with what looked like the Northern lights dancing in the distance. While in Helheim, I felt calm. Upon return, I always feel drained and tired. I am not of the dead and being in that realm for too long is never a good idea.

I have learned that she loves her dead and cares for them. Yes, in Helheim there is a place for those who were not honorable or kind (we might say predatory or evil) during their time with us on Midgard. But there is also a place where people who die an unremarkable death go. There they continue to eat, drink, and commune.

Hel can dissolve and disintegrate all that does not serve. My work with her might be to support me in my growth by "killing" or cutting ties to all that does not support me- like a bad habit for example. I may also reach to her to be closer to my ancestors and speak with them.

As a death goddess, she prefers offerings that are not robust and full of life. If I offer food, I always let it rot- or sometimes I offer rotten food. Typically, I offer dried flowers, bones, dark and bitter chocolate, and deep red wine or mead.

An Invocation of Hel

by Ember Moon

Hel, daughter of Loki, Mistress of the dead, Queen of the underworld, I hail you and ask for you to be present and help me this day.

From other sources:

Here small chant to do, whenever working with Hel that has been shared by The Bone Kindred.

"Lady of the Darkness- ruler of the night, We sleep within thy shadows to wake into thy light".

Citation: The Bone Kindred. “Helheim and Hel.” The Bone Kindred, bonekindred.weebly.com/hel.html.

Words from other witches:

Please review all information critically. Trust your intuition, experience and guides when working with any deities.

Hel In Art

All pictures are linked and will take you to the source.

Helvegen by Wardruna is a song about death, about crossing over, and remembrance. Helvegen means the way to Hel. This video is a live performance by Aurora and Wardruna and I think captures the intensity, the haunting beauty, and the ties to ancestry that exemplify Hel.

About the HEL header art: I created it! I used a text to rune translator to write Hel in Runes and a font generator to write Hel in English. I put both of the texts in a PowerPoint slide and saved the image as a jpg. Here are links to the Rune Generator: https://valhyr.com/pages/rune-converter and Font Generator: https://www.fontspace.com/joel-carrouche I chose the “Norse” Font.