Articles of NAAS

Provisionally approved on August 9, 2003, by the NAAS General Meeting at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway; ratified at the NAAS General Meeting at Växjö University in Växjö, Sweden. 


The name of the Association is the Nordic Association for American Studies.


The purpose of NAAS is to encourage the study of the United States, particularly in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.

NAAS should organize conferences and publish a journal and may engage in other activities that are in keeping with its purpose.

In keeping with its stated purpose, NAAS is a member of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS) and may enter into agreements of cooperation with other national or regional associations.


Membership of NAAS is open to individuals residing in one of the Nordic countries and engaged in the research in and/or teaching of American studies or who in other ways demonstrate an interest in the aims of the Association.

Membership may be direct or through one of the Association's Constituent National Associations.

The annual dues for membership should be approved by the General Meeting and may include subscription to publications of the Association.

Constituent National Associations

While open to direct membership, NAAS is also a federation of its Constituent National Associations: the American Studies Association of Norway (ASANOR), the Danish Association for American Studies (DAAS), the Finnish American Studies Association (FASA) and the Swedish Association for American Studies (SAAS).

Constituent National Associations may organize conferences and otherwise engage in activities that are intended to further the general aims of NAAS. They should keep the NAAS Executive Board informed of their work.

Executive Board

The Executive Board consists of the President of NAAS, an editor of the NAAS journal, and one member from each Nordic country.

The Executive Board also has one or two deputy members from each Nordic country. While deputy members do not have the right to vote, except in the absence of a member from the country in question, they should receive all information to the Executive Board and be encouraged to take part in its meetings.

Where there are National Constituent Associations the member and deputy members from that country should be recognized as representing their National Constituent Association, which should present its nominations for member and deputy members of the Executive Board to the NAAS Nominating Committee for confirmation by the General Meeting.

Members and deputy members of the Executive Board are elected at each biennial general meeting of NAAS to hold office for a term of two years. There may be re-election for one consecutive term. If a General Meeting is not held on the expiration of this term of office, the term shall continue until a General Meeting is held.

If a vacancy arises through the resignation or death of a member of the Executive Board before the expiration of the term, the Executive Board shall fill the vacancy from among the deputy members.


Officers of NAAS are: a president, a vice-president, an editor, a secretary, who keeps record of proceedings, and a treasurer, who keeps accounts.

The president and an editor are elected by the General Meeting for a term of four years. The presidency rotates between the associations that constitute NAAS.  The editor may be re-elected as the General Meeting sees in the interest of the Association.

The other officers are elected by and among the members of the Executive Board. The Executive Board may appoint one or several co-editors of the journal. Only one editor is a voting member of the Executive Board.

General meetings

NAAS General Meetings shall be held every two years, if possible. in conjunction with the NAAS Biennial Conference.

The business of the General Meeting is elections (according to items 5 and 6 above), the perusal and eventual acceptance of reports (including accounts) from the Executive Board and the editor, and other matters the Executive Board or the General Meeting may decide.

An extraordinary General Meeting may be convened with no less than six weeks' notice at the request of the majority of the full membership of the Executive Board or at the request of at least three of the Constituent National Associations.

All registered members of the Association have the right to vote at the General Meeting. The president or, in his/her absence. the vice-president shall preside at the General Meeting, with the exception of elections, which are presided by the chair of the Nominating Committee.

Any matter before the Meeting shall be adopted by a simple majority of the cast votes. If just one member requests it. the vote should be by written ballot.

The President or, in the President's absence, the Vice President. has the deciding vote in case of a tie.


Each General Meeting elects a Nominating Committee consisting of one member from each Nordic country with the function of preparing the elect ions and for the next General meeting.

The Nominating Committee elects its own chairperson. Members of the Board and candidates for NAAS office cannot be members of the Nominating Committee.

Constituent National Associations and individual members are encouraged to submit proposals to the Nominating Committee before the general meeting.

If at all possible, the Nominating Committee should make an initial report available to members at least five weeks before the General Meeting. The final report is presented at the General Meeting. where nominations may also be made from the floor.


These articles may be amended by a majority vote of the General Meeting, due notice of the proposed amendment having been given all members in advance.