
Reading is a complex process about making meaning. The reading process includes phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary development, and comprehension. Our students learn to read while reading to learn. Comprehension strategies and critical thinking skills are taught K-12 to help students make sense of content and the world around them. Students at all grade levels work with a balance of informational and literary text, and learn to read carefully to extract evidence from text. Complex text sources, whether primary or secondary source material, are used with all students as an enriching challenge. Students-collectively and individually-tackle complex texts with care and patience as their reading skills are strengthened.

Reading is taught across all content areas because each subject area requires students to learn from different kinds of text (e.g., science articles, historical primary sources, math word problems). At the secondary level, teachers of math, science, history, technology, and the arts explicitly teach and support students to be strong readers of text within their discipline. By integrating reading throughout the day, schools convey to students the importance of reading, critical thinking, and meaning-making in school and in life.