Non-Verbal Speech Panel Privacy Policy

Non-Verbal Speech Panel App Privacy Policy

Last updated: June 3, 2023

1. Introduction

Thank you for choosing to be part of our community at Non-Verbal Speech Panel ("we", "us", "our"). Protecting your privacy is a serious matter and we are committed to ensuring it. This Privacy Policy is meant to explain in as simple and transparent a way as possible, what data we collect, how we use it, and what rights you have in relation to it. This Privacy Policy applies to all users of our Non-Verbal Speech Panel app.

2. What Information We Collect

The Non-Verbal Speech Panel app does not collect any personal data, period. We have designed our app to respect your privacy and to protect your information. We do not collect any data when you download or use the app.

3. How We Use Information

As we do not collect any information through the Non-Verbal Speech Panel app, there is no data usage to explain. The app is self-contained and functions entirely without needing to process or transmit any data.

4. Information Sharing and Disclosure

Given the app does not collect, process, or store any personal data, there is no sharing or disclosure of such information.

5. Information Storage and Security

All app data resides solely on your device. No data is transferred or stored outside of your device. As the app does not collect, use, or store any personal data, there are no risks of your data being compromised or mishandled.

6. Your Rights

You have the right to be informed about how your personal data is being used. Since the Non-Verbal Speech Panel app does not collect any personal data, there are no rights to enforce in this regard.

7. Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason. We will alert you about any changes by updating the "Last updated" date of this Privacy Policy.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

By using the Non-Verbal Speech Panel app, you are consenting to the terms of this Privacy Policy.