Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 11/04/2023


This Privacy Policy applies to the mobile application "Date Tracker Nonstickcode" developed by Nonstickcode, hereinafter referred to as "I" or "me." I am committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information.

Information I Collect

I want to be clear: I do not collect, use, or share any personal data or information from users of my app. I understand and respect your privacy, and I designed this app to operate without the need for any personal data or user-specific information.

User-Provided Information

My app may provide features that allow you to enter or input information, such as dates or names, but this data is stored locally on your device and is not transmitted to any external servers or shared with any third parties.

Device Permissions

The app may request certain device permissions, such as access to the camera, photo library, or location services. These permissions are solely used to provide specific app functionalities and are not used to collect or transmit any personal data.

Third-Party Services

My app does not integrate with or rely on third-party services that may collect user data.

By using this app, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.