An unorthodox thermal system analogue of the onset of chaos

Alvaro Diaz-Ruelas & Alberto Robledo

We systematically eliminate access to configurations of an otherwise elementary thermal system model until only remains a subset of them of vanishing measure. The thermal system consists of 2N distinguishable non-interacting degrees of freedom, each occupying energy levels of the form uj,k = 2j 22k, j,k=0,1,2,…, The system’s configurations are eliminated when their energies do not match the form 2N-l, l=0,1,2,..., leading to a discrete scale invariant set of available configurations as Nà∞. In doing this we achieve the following results: 1) The constrained thermal system becomes an analogue of the dynamics towards the multifractal attractor at the period-doubling onset of chaos. 2) The statistical-mechanical properties of the thermal system depart from those of the ordinary Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) form and acquire features from q-statistics. 3) Redefinition of energy levels as logarithms of the original ones recovers the BG scheme and the free energy Legendre transform property.We systematically eliminate access to configurations of an otherwise elementary thermal system model until only remains a subset of them of vanishing measure. The thermal system consists of 2N distinguishable non-interacting degrees of freedom, each occupying energy levels of the form uj,k = 2j 22k, j,k=0,1,2,…, The system’s configurations are eliminated when their energies do not match the form 2N-l, l=0,1,2,..., leading to a discrete scale invariant set of available configurations as Nà∞. In doing this we achieve the following results: 1) The constrained thermal system becomes an analogue of the dynamics towards the multifractal attractor at the period-doubling onset of chaos. 2) The statistical-mechanical properties of the thermal system depart from those of the ordinary Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) form and acquire features from q-statistics. 3) Redefinition of energy levels as logarithms of the original ones recovers the BG scheme and the free energy Legendre transform property.

Instituto de Física y Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico.