
Designer: Nomminus | Geno Proof

Sex: Male
ID: 1550
Owner: Nomminus
Group: Primeval-Age |
Dinosaur Species: Bald Carnotaurus
Age: Hatchling (Level 1)
Weight: Stocky
Height: Tall
Length: Long
Breeding Slots: 4

Genotype: rgb(36,28,36) Fd / Do / Rm
Phenotype: Faded, Rimmed midnight with Dorsal
Dimorphic Marking: (innocent) Red splatter on lower jaw and throat

Personality Description:
Nepenthes is more than a little rough around the edges, he can come off as brash and problematic, despite being well intentioned. His anger is known to get the better of him and needs a bit of time and coaxing to calm down again, once he is though he usually understands he's messed up and will try to make amends for it.

STR: 5 | DEF: 5 | SPD: 15


------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown

----------------- SS: Pumpkin Spice 262

------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown

Sire: Nyruth 395

------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown

----------------- SD: Zere 256

------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown

----------------- DS:Freddy 263

------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown

Dam: Augenblick 367

------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown

----------------- DD: Thistle 257

------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown

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