Noel Arteche

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I recently graduated cum laude from the Master of Logic at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam. I am currently also working as a researcher at the Logic and Reasoning (LoRea) research group at the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of the Basque Country.

Before that, I graduated first of my year in Computer Science at the University of the Basque Country with an exchange year at the KU Leuven in Belgium, where I wrote my Bachelor's thesis on topics related to the proof complexity of quantified Boolean formulas.

I am interested in computational complexity theory and philosophy of mathematics, particularly in non-traditional intersections between these and other fields.

I founded and co-organised the Φ-Math reading group in philosophy of mathematics at the ILLC.

Besides, I am interested in game studies and narrative, particularly in video games, about which I have written in different Spanish publications.

I was born in San Sebastián (Basque Country, Spain) in 1998, and I currently live in Amsterdam.

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