Here is my source gist for my fully implemented Grunt task for anyone else thinking about working with the EdgeCast API. You'll find in my example that I use a grunt-shell to execute the curl command which purges the CDN.

I am trying to convert a curl request to a nodeJS script, but somehow it fails on me., by failing means, that the url I setup with cloudflare triggers a captcha whilst it doesn't when I use the curl request I copied from dev tools > network tab.

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The reasoning behind this is that by default, the Curl instance will try to decode the received data and headers to utf8 strings, as can be seen here: -libcurl/blob/b55b13529c9d11fdcdd7959137d8030b39427800/lib/Curl.ts#L391

The buffer passed as first parameter to the callback set with the READFUNCTION option is initialized with the size libcurl is using in their upload buffer (which can be set with UPLOAD_BUFFERSIZE), this is initialized using node::Buffer::Data(buf); which is basically the same than Buffer#allocUnsafe and therefore, it has all the implications as to its correct usage: -br/docs/guides/buffer-constructor-deprecation/#regarding-buffer-allocunsafe

So, be careful, make sure to return exactly the amount of data you have written to the buffer on this callback. Only that specific amount is going to be copied and handed over to libcurl.

The maintainers of node-libcurl and thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact dependencies you use. Learn more.

Installing with yarn add node-libcurl or npm install node-libcurl should download a prebuilt binary and no compilation will be needed. However if you are trying to install on nw.js or electron additional steps will be required, check their corresponding section below.

The build process will use curl-config available on path, if you want to overwrite it to your own libcurl installation one, you can set the curl_config_bin variable, like mentioned above for curl_static_build.

If you are building for Electron >= 11 or NW.js >= 0.50 you need to set the build process to use the C++17 std, you can do that by passing the variable node_libcurl_cpp_std=c++17. The way you do that depends if you are using npm or yarn:

If you don't want to use the libcurl version shipped with your system, since it's probably very old, you can install libcurl from source, for the addon to use that libcurl version you can use the variable mentioned above, curl_config_bin.

I have not used apt-get install nodejs yet. How can I remove the files that the first command downloaded, so that I can execute a different curl command and then install NodeJS using apt-get install nodejs ?

We do not transmit or record the curl commands you enter or what they're converted to. This is a static website (hosted on GitHub Pages) and the conversion happens entirely in your browser using JavaScript.

For a class project I am currently working with a professor to access course discussion info programmatically from canvas. To do this I started with testing using curl and then moved to nodejs. I found when making the identical https call through curl and then through nodejs (code snippets below, token removed for privacy), the curl request returned the correct id for the course (127210000000003374) while the nodejs request returned an id incremented by 6 for the course (127210000000003380). Is there something significantly different about how curl requests function from the node https library? Any help would be appreciated, I'm not asking for the answer just to know if there is a header I need to add or anything.

If you like cURL and use JavaScript (Nodejs) daily, you might wonder how to use cURL in your JavaScript programs. While it's possible to use the libcurl library in JavaScript, there are also other alternatives for achieving the same goal without using cURL.

I have observed this issue on multiple linode instances where a curl request to will work properly, but in the node repl fetch(" ") will fail. This has began happening randomly and is interrupting my production services. The url I gave is just an example, the behavior is the same for any resource. Any tips?

From your home directory, use curl to retrieve the installation script for your preferred Node.js version. If you do not have curl installed, you can install it before proceeding to the next step with this command:

Note: Due to the use of nodejs instead of node name in some distros, yarn might complain about node not being installed. A workaround for this is to add an alias in your .bashrc file, like so: alias node=nodejs. This will point yarn to whatever version of node you decide to use.

Hi cemzafer, thank you for the console. With the same method I get nodejs has no installation candidate. I also noticed that my output for the curl command includes the following line just after Reading package lists... Done

Hi Wilson, thanks for your question! AFAIK, the Raspbian Jessie base image ships with nodejs-legacy (and possibly nodejs). Both of these packages, if present, are removed when the NodeSource nodejs package is installed (following the instructions above). Let me know if your experience is different.

I am having the same problem as Sema above

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

nodejs : Depends: libstdc++6 (>= 5.2) but 4.9.2-10+deb8u2 is to be installed

E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Hi elastic wizards.

I have strange issue with elasticsearch (7.11). I have an index called "test_index", and when I query it using curl and "match_all" it returns a value, but when I use the node js client, it does not.

Here is the curl:

Actually it's even weirder. It happens even without a complex query.

Let me tell the full story:

This is a part of a test suite. I create a new doc (creating on the fly a new index), and then I search for it with "match_all" and with term query (this is where I use the nodejs client).

I tried now to see the results of the creation and see if the doc was accualy inserted, and it seems that is not.

Here is the call that creates the doc:

Please append the -y flag to the end of RUN apt-get install nodejs. The build is failing because the apt-get command prompts for a confirmation from the the user to proceed. The flag allows it to proceed without prompting the user. This is why it fails with a non-zero code.

Trying to setup NodeJS integration on my Drupal site which I'm testing via an external URL with gulp, I'm currently running version 9.x-1.x from here. I've configured the settings on the /admin/config/nodejs/settings page, but every time I try to save, it gives this error message:

I've added a service key in my config.js file for the server, so I don't think it's an issue with that.

I've read it could be a problem with the SSL/TLS handshake, but I'm quite new to curl and Drupal in general so I don't know how to take a closer look at it.

NodeJS is a JavaScript framework that allows us to build network applications with ease. Most of the time we need to install a specific version of nodejs in Ubuntu as per our requirement. So in this article, we will see two things how to install nodejs in ubuntu with a specific version and how to remove nodejs from ubuntu.

Now we'll install nodejs from NodeSource Repository. We'll use curl to add its PPA (Personal Package Archive). So, make sure you have installed curl in your server. If you don't have it then you can install it using the below command.

It is always recommended to remove any existing installations of Node.js or npm from your operating system before installing a version manager as the different types of installation can lead to strange and confusing conflicts. For example, the version of Node that can be installed with Ubuntu's apt-get command is currently outdated. For help with removing previous installations, see How to remove nodejs from ubuntu.)

The curl command that comes with Git and Docker Toolbox is old anddoes not handle properly the redirect used inGetting Started. Make sure you install and use a newer versionfrom the cURL downloads page

@tommy, @mokutsu

I have the same issue I am able to download using a browser when I am logged in the Download url plus the JWT token as a query parameter works.

But when I do the same using my php code using curl it gives password required page in return.

@tommy. I see that there are multiple questions on this.

I am guessing you may have something that worked end to end. So please post full code and steps that you guys have tested and work

The command to run from the shell is curl -I . The URL must be validated and if it passes this validation it can be used with the core exec() method which in this example returns a Promise using the promisify() utility method.

If you want a final image that contains Java and nodejs, choose a base image either nodejs or java and install the missing dependencies in it in one stage. Multistage build could be good for gradle if it creates files that compatible with the base image into which you copy the result, but installed packages in a previous stage will not be installed in the other stages. That is basically one of the points of multi-stage builds e24fc04721

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