node-gyp only works with stable/released versions of node. Since the bcrypt module uses node-gyp to build and install, you'll need a stable version of node to use bcrypt. If you do not, you'll likely see an error that starts with:

Per bcrypt implementation, only the first 72 bytes of a string are used. Any extra bytes are ignored when matching passwords. Note that this is not the first 72 characters. It is possible for a string to contain less than 72 characters, while taking up more than 72 bytes (e.g. a UTF-8 encoded string containing emojis).

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This library supports $2a$ and $2b$ prefix bcrypt hashes. $2x$ and $2y$ hashes are specific to bcrypt implementation developed for John the Ripper. In theory, they should be compatible with $2b$ prefix.

bcrypt uses whatever Promise implementation is available in global.Promise. NodeJS >= 0.12 has a native Promise implementation built in. However, this should work in any Promises/A+ compliant implementation.

We recommend using async API if you use bcrypt on a server. Bcrypt hashing is CPU intensive which will cause the sync APIs to block the event loop and prevent your application from servicing any inbound requests or events. The async version uses a thread pool which does not block the main event loop.

Password hashing is turning a password into alphanumeric letters using specific algorithms. Hashing is beneficial when bad guys breach the data. With hashing, the data they get is in hash format, and hashed data is unintelligible. Some popular algorithms for password hashing include bcrypt and SHA.

Bcrypt was created as a result of the failure of Crypt to adapt to technology and hardware advancement. Bcrypt is designed to be a slow algorithm, which is a good thing when it comes to password hashing. Therefore, bcrypt is perfect for password hashing because it reduces brute-force attacks.

So, now you know that all of these hashing methods cannot be used to encrypt the password. Now, the main question is, how does bcrypt provide a significant advantage here? Bcrypt was built upon Blowfish keying schedule and used a work factor, which decides how expensive the hash function will be. After knowing it, bcrypt will get slower if an attacker makes multiple requests in a single time frame. So generally, cracking one password will take 12 damn years. Also, bcrypt uses salt, which helps prevent attacks like rainbow table attacks and is suitable for securing passwords.

Use bcrypt where you want to do slow and computationally expensive hashing -- this will generally be for hashes where you really don't want an attacker to be able to reverse the hash, e.g. user passwords. Use native crypto for everything else.

In companion with the @mike-scott's answer, you should prefer bcrypt for password related stuff but still you can use crypto for a wide range of tasks like create random tokens or a HMAC checksum or SHA1/MD5 hashes:

As a quick solution, I unistalled bcrypt then installed bcryptjs, bcryptjs is the pure-javascript version of bcrypt. Just think of it as a light version of bcrypt. While bcrypt requires native compiler to compile, bcryptjs does not.bcrypt is about 1.3 times faster than bcryptjs. thats the major difference.

One possibility if you can't avoid comparing two bcrypt hashed passwords is to just directly compare the two hashes using something like crypto.timingSafeEqual(). The bcrypt has consists of an algorithm identifier, an iteration level, a salt and the hash. Two identical original passwords should result in the same bcrypt hash value (same algorithm, same salt, same iteration level, same hash and thus same binary value). But, I haven't tried that myself.

Password hashing means passing a plain text password through a hashing algorithm to generate a unique value. This unique value is called a hash. Some examples of hashing algorithms are bcrypt, scrypt, and SHA.

Call the bcrypt.genSalt() method to generate a salt. This method accepts an integer value which is the cost factor that determines the time taken to hash a password. The higher the cost factor, the more time the algorithm takes and the more difficult it is to reverse the encrypted password using brute force.

To authenticate users, you will need to compare the password they provide with the one in the database using the function. This function accepts the plain text password and the hash that you stored, along with a callback function. That callback supplies an object containing any errors that occurred, and the overall result from the comparison. If the password matches the hash, the result is true.

This fails because the types of bcrypt hashes being generated from php and node are different. Laravel generates the $2y$ while node generates the $2a$. But the good news is the only difference between 2a and 2y are their prefixes.

I'm unable to install bcrypt using npm on my machine because I encounter the following errors. I have been troubleshooting the issue without much luck. Can you recommend any steps to diagnose or fix the problem so I can run npm install bcrypt successfully?

Upgrade to [email protected]

npm i [email protected]

I am not getting errors on this newer version of bcrypt, older version gave different types of errors ranging from not able to install bcrypt to typescript type errors

I am using "bcrypt": "^3.0.4" and I have the latest stable version of node. The issue I am facing is when the user attempts to login. With the correct password the initial login attempt is always unsuccessful while the second attempt is successful. I would like to know where I am getting it wrong. The assumption here is that the user has entered an email/username that is available in the database, mongodb in this case.

I am looking to develop an API and I want to store user credentials the right way. By searching on the internet I found that I need to hash users' passwords and the best way to do it is by using bcrypt.

I am trying to make a login/signup webpage and i know that from security issues passwords need to be encrypted. I tried bcrypt but it is a bit complicated. So i would like to know what type of encryption do you recommend other than bcrypt.

There do appear to be a number of posts about bcrypt node module not working in certain environments, but none appear to be on a RHEL EC2 box, except one which told me to run the following (which didn't work):

So the first thing I'd like to handle is making sure when a user signs up we don't store their password in our database as is, that's just not cool. We have to hash it first. That's where bcrypt comes in. It will not only hash a password for us but it will also help verify hashed passwords.

At Auth0, the integrity and security of our data are one of our highest priorities. We use the industry-grade and battle-tested bcrypt algorithm to securely hash and salt passwords. bcrypt allows building a password security platform that can evolve alongside hardware technology to guard against the threats that the future may bring, such as attackers having the computing power to crack passwords twice as fast. Let's learn about the design and specifications that make bcrypt a cryptographic security standard.

This attack vector was well understood by cryptographers in the 90s and an algorithm by the name of bcrypt that met these design specifications was presented in 1999 at USENIX. Let's learn how bcrypt allows us to create strong password storage systems.

The Blowfish cipher is a fast block cipher except when changing keys>), the parameters that establish the functional output of a cryptographic algorithm: each new key requires the pre-processing equivalent to encrypting about 4 kilobytes of text>), which is considered very slow compared to other block ciphers. This slow key changing is beneficial to password hashing methods such as bcrypt since the extra computational demand helps protect against dictionary and brute force attacks by slowing down the attack.

As shown in "Blowfish in practice">), bcrypt is able to mitigate those kinds of attacks by combining the expensive key setup phase of Blowfish with a variable number of iterations to increase the workload and duration of hash calculations. The largest benefit of bcrypt is that, over time, the iteration count can be increased to make it slower allowing bcrypt to scale with computing power. We can dimish any benefits attackers may get from faster hardware by increasing the number of iterations to make bcrypt slower.

Provos and Mazires, the designers of bcrypt, used the expensive key setup phase of the Blowfish cipher to develop a new key setup algorithm for Blowfish named "eksblowfish", which stands for "expensive key schedule Blowfish."

What's "key setup"? According to Ian Howson, a software engineer at NVIDIA: "Most ciphers consist of a key setup phase and an operation phase. During key setup, the internal state is initialised. During operation, input ciphertext or plaintext is encrypted or decrypted. Key setup only needs to be conducted once for each key that is used"bcrypt runs in two phases:

A function called EksBlowfishSetup is setup using the desired cost, the salt, and the password to initialize the state of eksblowfish. Then, bcrypt spends a lot of time running an expensive key schedule which consists of performing a key derivation where we derive a set of subkeys from a primary key. Here, the password is used as the primary key. In case that the user selected a bad or short password, we stretch that password/key into a longer password/key. The aforementioned practice is also known as key stretching.

Regarding adaptable cost, we could say that bcrypt is an adaptive hash function as we are able to increase the number of iterations performed by the function based on a passed key factor, the cost. This adaptability is what allows us to compensate for increasing computer power, but it comes with an opportunity cost: speed or security? 2351a5e196

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