I would like to fake the "mirror" modifier in Geometry Node (Blender 3.0) except that I only want to keep the mirrored object (to parent it to some bones), but I can't find how to do. All transforms in GeometryNodes seem to be in the local space, while I need to change the global position of the vertices.

For now, I created a first curve object called "WingModel" (on the left) that I can freely edit (I want to keep non-destructive editing). Then, WingLeft is just a Geometry Node taking the geometry of the WingModel using Object Info, that I position as I like. Now, I want to design WingRight to be the mirror of the WingLeft, ideally using Geometry Nodes.

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When using quellenform's solution, the mirrored object is not moved when the parent object is moved. A first solution is to parent one object relative to the other. The other solution is to use the location property to translate appropriately the object.

Note that for this to work, you need to be sure that your second object has position (0,0,0). Here is a more complicated setup that also work when the second object is not at position (0,0,0), and that also works when the object is scaled with a positive scale (see also Blender: get/set absolute location of object in Geometry nodes).

Here is a Gist with what seems to be complete instructions for setting up a mirror, with a demo mirror/example.. Not sure if that person's mirror is still running, but the example provided seems simple enough:

You must tell the system to render the reflection texture by doing scene.customRenderTargets.push(reflectionTexture);. It is done automatically when you assign a reflection texture to a texture of a standard or PBR material, but not when you do it for a node material.

I'm honestly a little baffled that they didn't do this, after the positive reception that the two nodes of Conjunction Survival, and, you know, the whole premise of Mirror Defense being that it's on two planets.

Leave the Mars node exactly as-is, but make the Venus node have higher level enemies with slightly different drop tables. (I know it would have made more sense the other way around, but making the Venus node the higher-level version would minimize the amount of changes.) I've gotten nothing but relics from rotation C, and grumbling in chat sounds like I'm not the only one, so this would hopefully take a lot of the pain out from that.

Mirror in max just scale the object with negative value. Create a teapot, mirror it on one or more axis and check, open Scale Transform Type In and check the Absolute Local values of X, Y and Z of the original and the mirrored object. You will see that the mirrored have values -100% for the mirrored axis.

This is the function I often use when mirroring nodes. I have made this into a small UI where I can choose what axis i want to mirror across and which axis I want to flip in the case here we are mirroring across X and flipping the Y. (you can use a matrix 3 instead of creating a point helper )

The way I use it is that instead of using a point helper I pass a mirror node ( a node which the transform will be mirrored across ) imagine as if I was mirroring a wrist controller transform across the current position of the hip controller and applying it to the opposite wrist controller (mirroring Right to Left and vice versa).

So I use *inverse tempPoint.transform to get the offset and to get into the object space of the mirrorNode and then I mirror it, flip it and then I use *tempPoint.transform to get out of the mirrorNode object space and now I have an actual transform that has been mirrored across desired mirrorNode and flipped if that is also desired.

This guide covers a deprecated and scheduled for removal feature: mirroring (queue contents replication) of classic queues.Quorum queues and/or streams should be used instead of mirrored classic queues.

Quorum queues are a more advanced queue type, which offers high availability using replication and focuses on data safety. From RabbitMQ 3.10, quorum queues support message TTL and provide higher throughput and more stable latency compared to mirrored classic queues. You can Migrate your RabbitMQ Mirrored Classic Queues to Quorum Queues now.

Quorum queues should be the default choice for a replicated queue type.Classic queue mirroring will be removed in a future version of RabbitMQ:classic queues will remain a supported non-replicated queue type.

Classic queues version 2 can be used with mirroring.However, combining v1 and v2 members is not recommended. It may happen if some nodes default to version 1 while othernodes default to version 2 (a new mirror will use the local node's default version if not explicitly set). Version 2is significantly faster in many situations and can overload a v1 mirror. The easiest solution is to switch to version 2using policies before changing the default version in the configuration.

By default, contents of a queue within a RabbitMQ cluster are located ona single node (the node on which the queue wasdeclared). This is in contrast to exchanges and bindings,which can always be considered to be on all nodes. Queuescan optionally run mirrors (additional replicas) on other cluster nodes.

Each mirrored queue consists of one leader replica andone or more mirrors (replicas). The leader is hosted on onenode commonly referred as the leader node for that queue. Each queue hasits own leader node. All operations for a given queue are first appliedon the queue's leader node and then propagated to mirrors. Thisinvolves enqueueing publishes, delivering messages to consumers, trackingacknowledgements from consumers and so on.

Messages published to the queue are replicated to allmirrors. Consumers are connected to the leader regardless ofwhich node they connect to, with mirrors dropping messagesthat have been acknowledged at the leader. Queue mirroringtherefore enhances availability, but does not distributeload across nodes (all participating nodes each do all thework).

If the node that hosts queue leader fails, the oldest mirror will bepromoted to the new leader as long as it's synchronised. Unsynchronised mirrorscan be promoted, too, depending on queue mirroring parameters.

There are multiple terms commonly used to identify primaryand secondary replicas in a distributed system. This guidetypically uses "leader" to refer to the primary replica of aqueue and "mirror" for secondary replicas.

As we've covered above, queues have mirroring enabledvia policy. Policiescan change at any time; it is valid to create a non-mirroredqueue, and then make it mirrored at some later point (andvice versa). There is a difference between a non-mirroredqueue and a mirrored queue which does not have any mirrors -the former lacks the extra mirroring infrastructure and willlikely provide higher throughput.

Mirroring to all nodes is the most conservative option.It will put additional strain on all cluster nodes, including network I/O, disk I/O anddisk space usage. Having a replica on every node is unnecessary in most cases.

If a queue that's expected to be mirroring is not, this usually means that its namedoesn't match that specified in the policy that controls mirroring or that anotherpolicy takes priority (and does not enable mirroring).See Runtime Parameters and Policies to learn more.

Every queue in RabbitMQ has a primary replica. That replica is calledqueue leader (originally "queue master"). All queue operations go through the leaderreplica first and then are replicated to followers (mirrors). This is necessary toguarantee FIFO ordering of messages.

Queue leaders can be distributed between nodes using severalstrategies. Which strategy is used is controlled in three ways,namely, using the x-queue-master-locator optional queue argument, setting the queue-master-locatorpolicy key or by defining the queue_master_locatorkey in the configuration file. Here are the possible strategies and how to set them:

Note that setting or modifying a "nodes" policy can causethe existing leader to go away if it is not listed in thenew policy. In order to prevent message loss, RabbitMQ willkeep the existing leader around until at least one othermirror has synchronised (even if this is a longtime). However, once synchronisation has occurred things willproceed just as if the node had failed: consumers will bedisconnected from the leader and will need to reconnect.

For example, if a queue is on [A B](with A the leader), and you give ita nodes policy telling it to be on[C D], it will initially end up on[A C D]. As soon as the queue synchronises on its newmirrors [C D], the leader on Awill shut down.

Exclusive queues will be deleted when the connection that declared them isclosed. For this reason, it is not useful for an exclusive queue to be mirrored(or a non-durable queue, for that matter) since when the node hosting it goesdown, the connection will close and the queue will need to be deleted anyway.

If leader node of a queue (the node running queue leader) is available,all queue operations (e.g. declaration, binding and consumer management, message routingto the queue) can be performed on any node. Cluster nodes will routeoperations to the leader node transparently to the clients.

If leader node of a queuebecomes unavailable, the behaviour of a non-mirrored queuedepends on its durability. A durable queue will becomeunavailable until the node comes back.All operations on a durable queue with unavailable leader nodewill fail with a message in server logs that looks like this:

As discussed, for each mirrored queue there is oneleader replica and several mirrors, each on adifferent node. The mirrors apply the operations that occurto the leader in exactly the same order as the leader andthus maintain the same state. All actions other thanpublishes go only to the leader, and the leader thenbroadcasts the effect of the actions to the mirrors. Thusclients consuming from a mirrored queue are in factconsuming from the leader. ff782bc1db

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