
Through the years, I have watched beings cycle through different realms of consciousness. I have tried to teach each and every one of them how to do the most sacred thing one can do: be still. Teaching by example, I never interfere in the lives of my children. How can I? I am as much their child as they are mine. They mold and teach me every day. I am the culmination of the movements and processes of every insect, plant, and animal. I am not an independent being but a culmination of the collective energy constantly given off and interchanged by each being, both abiotic and biotic. Sometimes, this energy is violent and harsh. Anger can spread like wildfire, burning forests and wreaking havoc, but compassion is like water, an immensely powerful force, that cannot be held back once released. Let us all treat each other with loving-kindness to create a world full of beings with the powerful gift of true presence that comes from caring for others.

My children struggle every day with the fear of dying and delight in the beauty of birth. Birth is a result of death. Matter decays to become dirt, in which plants can grow. These plants feed humans, who then reproduce and create more humans. From the moment a baby is born, they will start to die. Cells on their body will immediately die and new cells will form. We do not need to fear dying because we already are dying. My children decay on my soil and grow into beautiful trees. However, the cycle of their soul continues and is beautiful to behold; still, they need help to let go so that they do not waste any more time trying to answer the wrong questions. From my perspective, I see that birth and death are the same. Seeking or fearing either of these dual concepts distracts my children from their true presence and causes them to tear at my surface, disrupt my harmonious cycles, and burn my forests.

The following stories are to help my children understand this so that they will have less fear as they walk through my hills and valleys. To illustrate this, I will incarnate in several different forms, traveling through many different lives; along the way, I will help my children see that each moment is colored with death and birth in equal measure and, yet, can be blissfully peaceful. Dear ones, I am here for you and my name is Mother Earth.

First Story: Death

Planet Earth by WikiImages on Pixabay