Unswept: Claudia Goldin Emails & The 2023 Economic Nobel Peace Prize

Back in 2017, I sent the following message to scores of academics and journalists to promote the ideas presented in the book Better To Best. The only person who responded was Economics Professor Claudia Goldin of Harvard University, to correct my spelling of the word ‘peaked’ when I intended to use ‘piqued.’

*Note that the Scribd link below was deleted in 2023, but the article can still be read for free @ BetterToBest.wixsite.com/book

Aug 4, 2017


Your interest in economic equality may be peaked with what's being described as "the fairest proposed solution to any stressed economy. A must read, especially for those considering Universal Basic Income."

Creative Currency Octaves is a free short article that negates all arguments against Universal Basic Income with an original multi-tiered complementary currency system.

The new book titled Better To Best offers these ideas and many more novel solutions to current political, societal, and economic landscapes. Official Press Release.

Please read, review, and share your thoughts.

Best Regards,

Duke Johnson

Claudia Goldin’s brief response came in about 15 minutes later: 

Aug 4, 2017

I might be “piqued” by it but I would definitely not be “peaked.” I think “intrigued” is the word you want.

I was of course a bit embarrassed, but who better to correct a typo than a college professor? At least it wasn't going directly into all recipients spam folders. I responded:

Aug 4, 2017

Professor, noted! I hope you are very much intrigued by the ideas presented.

A few weeks prior, Lawrence O’Donell of the NY Times Sunday Book Review left a voicemail (https://youtu.be/IEFazqN-NZk) in response to a press release for the same book linked above. He didn’t leave a phone number, but I contacted the general NY Times reception desk as soon as I received the message, maybe a day or so after the press release went live. The receptionist claimed that "no one by the name Lawrence O’Donnell works at the NY Times." I explained to her that I was returning a message that Lawrence left for me, then the receptionist was practically laughing at me as she hung up the phone, like it was some sort of a joke. I googled the name, and the only match was Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC, of whom I’ve never heard of before, but who had a TV show and large social media following. So years later, I put that voicemail on YouTube and used it as a commercial to ask some important questions in the description section.

I of course came to the conclusion that “those who present new and better ways of operating, often become targets by those doing well under the current way.” Strangely, the most important economic concept to date (UBI with CCO) is being muted from serious discussions by those who claim to be focused on peace, such as the Nobel Peace Prize folks. In 2017, the controversial recipient of the economics award was Richard Thaler, who wrote about economic “nudging and shoving.” I figured, since the Nobel foundation gave a peace prize to Barack Obama for getting elected president on the promise of peace, then while president he delivered more war, perhaps that somehow inverted the notion of Nobel's peace prizes. In 2022, Nobel gave their economic peace prize to Ben Bernake, who was the Fed Chief during the great recession, someone who failed the people and rewarded the banksters who crashed the economy. 

After being largely shadow-banned and ignored online, I figured why not reach back out to that Harvard professor to see if she’d be willing to discuss the economic concept I’m claiming is the “Best monetary system possible.” Originally, she responded to a misspelling, so I figured I’d try to bait her into a discussion with other ways to correct me, while also admitting errors, and thus in need of her expertise. ;) I also figured she’s fielded plenty of these “out of left field" type emails from undergrads over the years who try to finagle a better grade in her classes. So six years after she responded to a PR e-mailer blast, I came back with:

Aug 26, 2023

Circling back around, Professor, 

Shortly after I responded to your note about my misspelling, and after reconsidering both the notions I've presented as an Author, and your stature in academia (as a college-level economics professor,) I figured it might actually "peak your interest" from an economic perspective, and therefore wasn't definitely incorrect. 

Likewise, in the attached meme, I proclaim that "Creative Currency Octaves & UBI"  is  instead of  are  the "fairest proposed solution to extreme wealth imbalance, and the best monetary system possible," which I've since realized using the word  "with"  would've worked better than both  "is"  and/or  "are."  

Regardless, I'm too lazy to go back and correct it because my meme generator on Chromebook "Vectr" won't save properly, and I'm too poor (and/or cheap) to buy (or bootleg) expensive (or inexpensive) software.  ...I also laugh about simple-type stuff that, which on paper, seems like minutiae when compared to these overall concepts heard via, say, spoken word.  I'm obviously the type of guy who's "contented like a cat" with a B average in academic coursework, though of course I'd prefer a B+ as opposed to a B- or less. 

Anyways, I've since updated the book Better To Best, and it's available to read for free, but there are still a few typos in the free version, I think, but the Amazon.com versions, (both Kindle and Paperback,) are the freshest copy... though I don't trust that hackers (or Amazon themselves) have altered my messages and/or pricing/royalties, as one would expect from those types of jealous haters, monkey-wrenchers, and situation inverters. 

Also, I've conducted a survey on Twitter, and found that 100% of the respondents were in agreement in their preference of the Federal Mandate concerning whether the FED banks should Maximize  "Employment"  or  "Enjoyment."  Guess which word was favored... ;) 

And finally, why I'm really reaching out... 

Are you willing to provide a quote to the press about these economic concepts? ...so the masses (of concerned citizens) especially the media, are willing to publicly discuss these topics with appropriate concern, instead of the current socio-political-economic distraction-type dysfunctional programming they're perpetrating human kind with?  

The book is worth the read, as it features far-smoother flow than this message does. ;) BetterToBest.wixsite.com/book




Is it really true that Ben Franklin founded Harvard College?

The attached images were:

A couple days later, with no response from Professor Claudia Goldin, I came around again with: 

Aug 28, 2023

About that post script question, I googled it and saw Franklin founded Penn, but then again, to make the point from my same type of open-mind perspective, do we really know for sure? Realizing that Benjamin Franklin is on the hundred dollar bill, he's one of my heroes who I deeply respect for founding and operating the postal system in this country even before he was a country founder. But was he an actual person, or just a character in a false narrative-type fiction? I wasn't around back then, and don't know anyone who'd claim that they were, but does it even matter today? Likewise, who came up with an idea that fits like a glove in the logical mind should be secondary to the primary concerns. 

Who can handle this type of discussion in the public sphere? ...and also deal with me as a mystical wildcard? Because the false narrative of the current socio-political-economic landscape is showing distressing signs, we should use the opportunity to advance the opportunity with ease, instead of an intensifying against-type-current. 

Isn't it unfortunate how sometimes letters get mixed up in the mail? Remember the time before the internet was what it is today? My first cell phone dates back to 2003, the summer after my college graduation (not from Harvard, obviously;) So try to imagine a future when the current political obstacles are obsolete, and human society can move forward towards flourishing as a whole, with the data systems and programming of today's leading edge. Heck, the following edge should already be in position to save the day, so to speak...

Anyhow, the message there is that I am willing to be wrong. I've made some bold claims concerning economics, and stand by them. It seems pathetic to me that the academic community won't publicly acknowledge Creative Currency Octaves as the best monetary system possible, let alone that it's worthy of honest and open discussions. ;)

I actually hope that someone can come up with a "better way" than those presented in the book Better To Best, so I can then happily retire my high hats of inspired idea presentation, hatched from the regrettable reality of late-stage crony capitalism, flawed policy making, and a twisted mass media machine (among others.) Until then, Better Towards Best...

Also, because you name has gold in it, you may be interested in my other artist profile: BronzeSquare.wixsite.com/labyrinth where I present miniature model novelty items (in gold among other materials) of what could be neat walkable city park features. You should buy (and write off to the Harvard endowment) an expensive gold piece to place in the Econ Department as a checkmate type of trophy reminder that I won't be forgotten easily, and Better To Best won't be swept under the rug forever.



Send my best to your mother;) 

Ps: I like to laugh at myself, also. Your econ dept should take the hint and get on with a public reaction to CCO&UBI before I level up my intensity... This is your opportunity to keep it graceful, like a heroin should be. Byee! 

The attached image was:

Note how heroine is misspelled. To me, they are pronounced the same, so my mind thinks they’re spelled the same until I see it printed, but had Prof. Goldin responded with another typo correction, that would’ve presented the opportunity to discuss how heroin and drugs affect women in the workplace, such as the sex trade, as well as the Egyptian Cat Neter Bast’s connection to the poppy plant, and the role opiates had in the Afghan war.

Tangent: Now, for those who haven’t read any of my work, in 2012 I experienced what’s referred to in the Hindu literature as a Kundalini Awakening, or spiritual enlightenment. I did not seek it out, but when writing (creatively) about how to fix the socio-political-economic problems, the intense energy initiated me through what Joseph Campbell called the Hero’s Journey, also known in Tarot Deck literature as a Fool’s initiation. I wrote a book about that experience titled Wake Rise And Shine In The Darkness (2013) where I make all sorts of wild claims about being psychic, experiencing altered states of consciousness, as well as dealing with non-human-intelligences. 

Over the past ~11 years since initiation, several contacts have been made with non-human intelligences, two are of importance here. The first is Isis, the Egyptian Neter (Goddess) of healing and magic, (revealed sometimes in falcons and honey bees, among other 2-D sub-human animals.) She is the IS of IS-RA-EL, where Isis Ra and Elohim were the three merged Neters (conscious forces of Nature) that developed the Jewish religion with Abraham, who was possibly the reincarnated chopped head of the Hindu God Brahma. Isis sometimes sits on my shoulder, and communes with me telepathically, but she isn’t the only NHI who contacts me from time to time. She is the Mother who I asked Claudia Golden to send my best to, figuring that Goldin is a Jewish name, but probably not her maiden name. 

Also consider that Abraham has the word ham in it, for pork. I used to eat a lot of pork, but rarely do anymore because when I do, I often hear “big pig” telepathically, whose presence is annoying. So sometimes turkey bacon is eaten instead, but that energy then brings about the second NHI of importance to this story, the feminine avian astral energy that is better than dealing with “big pig,” but isn’t always that great, due to her gray-ish atmosphere. “Turkey-and-chicken-egg Chicka” has been a NHI contact for years, and she’s assumed the personality of a girl I barely knew in college, who was in a micro-economics class with me circa 2001, but who died in 2015 shortly after I presented the concept Creative Currency Octaves. This dead chicka was a beauty, and has visited me as a Great White Egret (I do claim to be a modern-day Augur, or mystic with a connection to the birds.) For some odd reasons I won’t get into, she gets excited about flaunting other peoples riches, prizes, and awards. She has, for years, told me how she's been used to prevent my authorship from receiving press and thus awards and books sales for the economic ideas I’ve presented. She was on my shoulder (so to speak) when I wrote those two messages to Claudia Goldin this past August, 2023. As soon as I sent them, I felt her rush over to the receiving end and begin to work her ghost/alien obstacle magic. Turkey Chika made it very clear this past August (2023) that she would try to prevent me from receiving the economic peace prize, so she could flaunt the medal in her alternate-dimensional reality. 

On October 5th, the day (or so) before the most recent Israel/Palestine flare up, I decided to eat two slices of pepperoni pizza at Costco. Since some of the free samples that day had pork in them, I figured why not take in some extra protein, especially since pepperoni pizza slices cost the same as the just-cheese slices. The next day (or so) HAMas did their thing, and I’m reminded that my actions can sometimes have far reaching, and even disastrous, effects. Anubis’ spirit (Egyptian God of the Underworld) came to chat telepathically about the new mid-east flare up: he let me know he was not happy with how his ancient Auntie Isis was treating me, and how their (Israeli) economic policies generate hate. I responded that conflict could largely be avoided by implementing Creative Currency Octaves with UBI, as well as moving on from outdated religions. For the record, yes I was feeling the hurt & harm of war and the processing of souls on this planet Earth / Sun solar system, as I have from other tragedies/battles, but that terrible feeling is temporary and I don’t feel every conflict. The Anubis Spirit also seemed to be aware that I would be passed-up for the 2023 Economic Nobel Peace Prize, which would be announced two days later, on October 9th.

On October 15th, I searched for when the 2023 Nobel econ award would be announced, and this was the first link presented: https://new.nsf.gov/news/nsf-congratulates-laureate-2023-nobel-prize-in-economics where an image of NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan was shown with a smug face, while wearing a Golden Gophers hat. Although that image has since been replaced in the link, he is mentioned at the bottom of the article. I’ve seen that terrible face on many people over the years, and it’s clearly adding up to what I suspect, but can’t easily prove: that NHI / entities have presented themselves to me as disguised humans of merged doppelgangers of practically every person I know, including family and friends. His name alone says a lot, but that grin is the exclamation point. 

As soon as I found out that Claudia Goldin had been selected for the most recent Economic Peace Prize, I knew "Turkey Chika" had her way, again, so I sent another note to Professor Goldin:

Oct 15, 2023

Just saw the news of your Nobel Peace Prize. Glad you've been chosen, as it serves as a great opportunity to publicly discuss the issues we seem to be confronting globally concerning economics and women's contributions. 

Considering the smug face of the clown seen in the attached image of the news story: https://new.nsf.gov/news/nsf-congratulates-laureate-2023-nobel-prize-in-economics I realize why you were chosen. That (war) thing is spilling over into dangerous places, and now that you've been the new distraction, you can use this opportunity to showcase why you think Creative Currency Octaves with UBI is the best monetary system possible. FYI, if you don't, I still will, and may put this string of messages I've sent to you online for further evidence of what I've already claimed about how my ideas have been "swept under the rug" so to speak. 

Enjoy the gold! Question, is it vermeil, solid pure, something in between? I ask because, when I get mine, hopefully next year, I'd like to know about its pawn value ;) I am still poor, and could use that big Nobel check more than you could, so do me a flavor and promote my work so I can step up off this terror-war floor those psychos are cooking up in Gaza/Israel. 

Check my latest messages on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/authordukejohnson ) which were posted before learning how "Nobel" gave you the prize. *I searched for when they would make their decision public for 2023 in the past hour or so, because as soon as I saw it was you, I began crafting this message. 

The attached images were:

When watching Claudia Goldin’s speech and short video reel on the acceptance of her award, I couldn’t help but ponder how she'd feel about #CCOwithUBI, and how it could level the pay gap for women, practically overnight. Too bad she hasn’t responded to discuss the most important ideas in economics to date, but perhaps she will in due time. Also worth noting, the shirt Professor Goldin is wearing in her Harvard profile picture is of gold Stars and white Egrets.

What do you make of the esoteric notions I’ve mentioned? Do you think there's any connection to my (2023) messages to Prof. Goldin and her being selected for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize?  Also note, if you think my claims of telepathy and NHIs are delusional or bogus, I assure you that you’d reconsider your stance after spending a short time with me in nature, such as a public beach or city park, or perhaps even by reading my old books Augury and Wake Rise And Shine In The Darkness, which are just initiations compared to what I’ve experienced as a mystic since those titles were self-published in 2013. 

Why do you think CCO with UBI has been largely “swept under the rug,” so to speak? Are you concerned with the state of the world, economically? Do you think large populations of humans are systematically forced into financial stress, by design?  

Author e-mail: Duke.T.James@Gmail.com

Screenshot of my Gmail conversation with Prof Goldin: