I'm Noah, a research associate at Imperial College London, with Yankı Lekili. Before that, I did my PhD with Ivan Smith at the University of Cambridge.

Along with Mykola Matviichuk, I co-organise the London Geometry & Topology Seminar.

In 2022 I spent part of the autumn term at the MSRI for their program on Floer homotopy theory.

Together with Ilaria di Dedda, Yankı Lekili and Daniil Mamaev, we organised a workshop in symplectic topology from the 7th to 9th of June 2023 at Imperial.


My research is in symplectic topology. Broadly, I am interested in algebraic invariants built from spaces of holomorphic curves. Some things I like to think about are Fukaya categories, Floer homotopy theory, and string topology.


C0 Lagrangian monodromy. (2024). [arXiv] (submitted).

Bordism of flow modules and exact Lagrangians. Joint with Ivan Smith. (2024) [arXiv] (submitted).

Lagrangian intersections and cuplength in generalised cohomology. Joint with Amanda Hirschi. (2022) [arXiv] Accepted, to appear in Mathematical Research Letters.

Families of relatively exact Lagrangians, free loop spaces and generalised homology. [arXiv] Sel. Math. New Ser. 30, 21 (2024). 

See this list on the arXiv. Comments/corrections are always welcome.


n DOT porcelli AT imperial DOT ac DOT uk