Week 8

This week Peter and I focused on preparing a rough draft of a poster and a video which we will be using to present our research findings in a presentation on the last day of the program (August 9th). Its crazy to think that we have less than 3 weeks remaining! This summer really went by quick. We still have a lot of work to do, with some more features to explore and experiments to run, as well as writing more of our paper in the time we have left. We don't anticipate having a publish-ready paper all done by the end of this, but hopefully we will have a draft which we can be proud of and continue working on to eventually publish. Below is a sneak peek of the current state of our poster.

Over the weekend I went into DC and walked (and scooter-ed) around the national mall, checking out the Lincoln memorial, MLK memorial, and the war memorials. Later I met up with some of the other REU people for dinner and we went to a special show on the Washington monument honoring the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.

Later, I met up with some friends from Dickinson (Lauren and Calvin).