About me

I'm a third year grad student at Northwestern, and my research is mainly advised by Mike Hill. Algebraic topology, or more precisely chromatic equivariant homotopy theory, is what I like to study. In my free time I like to cook, play indie video games, and build Legos. I'm the current president of the Northwestern chapter of Spectra, an organization for LBGTQ+ mathematicians, and I'm currently co-organizing an informal seminar on synthetic spectra.

Research Interests

I'm really interested in how the chromatic story plays out equivariantly. For example, what are the "right" equivariant/global versions of MU, BP, Morava K-theories, and Lubin-Tate theories, and what can they tell us about the structure of equivariant/global homotopy categories? More generally, I'm also interested in computing Balmer spectra and determining Nullstellensatzian objects (in the sense of Burklund-Schlank-Yuan).

For my dissertation, I'm trying to figure out an equivariant version of the Landweber exactness theorem, which provides sufficient conditions on a formal group law for it to come from a complex oriented spectrum. I'm also interested in the Balmer spectra of various categories showing up in homotopy theory, including those in the motivic, equivariant, and global contexts.

Extra Stuff