theatre works

the war of the worlds

Creative Director

On a cold autumn evening, on the 29th of October, humanity looked to the stars, gazing in its endless beauty and boundless possibilities. What could life be like beyond the stars and what wondrous mysteries lie outside of our field of vision. By the next day, those feeling of bliss and wonder gave way to the harsh reality of life outside of our atmosphere, as that life came bounding in to steal what this world had to offer. With envious eyes, as we look to the stars, they looked back to us, sizing us up and drawing their plans against us. In 1897, H.G. Wells imagined a world in which we weren’t alone in this universe. On Halloween eve, 1939, Orson Welles took that imagined world and made it into a reality. An enthralling radio play depicted the invasion of the men from mars in their otherworldly tripods, marching alone with their heat rays and black smog, asserting their dominance over this world. This play has been revered as a timeless classic, and on Halloween Eve, with a script adapted to fit into our Central Pennsylvania region, it will come time once again for the red planet to declare their war on us.

Directed by Noah Schmitt, No Refund Theatre, Fall 2020

Cast List (Following Virtual Auditions)

The "War Room" (The Zoom Rehearsal Room)

NRT's War of the Worlds Full Virtual Broadcast (October 30th, 2020)

An Average Rehearsal for War of the Worlds