Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) are vector data sets that support all types of marine navigation. Originally designed for large commercial vessels using a sophisticated navigational computer called an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), ENCs are now also being used on simpler electronic chart systems and "chart plotters" on many types of ships and by recreational boaters. NOAA ENCs help provide real-time ship positioning, as well as collision and grounding avoidance.

NOAA ENCs comply with the International Hydrographic Organization ENC Product Specification. ENCs are produced around the world by many different countries' national hydrographic or charting agencies. NOAA maintains more than 1,000 NOAA ENC datasets over U.S. coastal waters and the Great Lakes. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers produces a similar product, called Inland ENC (IENC) for many U.S. rivers.

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NOAA has already started to cancel individual charts and will shut down all production and maintenance of traditional paper nautical charts and the associated raster chart products and services by January 2025.

Just as NOAA electronic navigational chart (NOAA ENC) cells do, all raster charts portray water depths,coastlines, dangers, aids to navigation, landmarks, bottom characteristics and other features, as well as regulatory, tide, and other information. All raster chart products are based on and have the same appearance as the "traditional" paper charts that Coast Survey has provided for U.S. waters since the early 19th century.

They contain all critical corrections published in notices to mariners since the last new edition of the chart was released, as well as any newly compiled routine changes (see the "Chart Updates" sidebar on the right).

The U. S. Government no longer prints paper copies of its raster nautical charts. However, NOAA provides digital images of its raster charts to NOAA certified chart agents, from whom the public may purchase NOAA paper nautical charts.

Certified chart agents ensure that the charts are printed at the proper scale and quality to meet U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) chart carriage requirements. In fact, only charts printed by a NOAA certified chart agent are accepted by the USCG as meeting chart carriage requirements for commercial vessels. No other raster chart format meets USCG carriage requirements.

These are full size Portable Document Format (PDF) images of NOAA paper nautical charts. PDFs may be viewed with free PDF readers such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. Most modern web browsers can open these documents with no additional software.

Paper plots of Full-size nautical chart PDFs DO NOT meet USCG chart carriage requirements for commercial vessels. Only NOAA paper nautical charts printed by a NOAA certified chart agent, who will ensure that the charts are printed at the proper scale and quality, meet USCG chart carriage requirements.

The image at left shows the index of the 12 chart pages of booklet chart 13246 of Cape Cod Bay. The extent of each page extends past the boundaries shown in the index, so that the coverage of each page overlaps a bit with adjacent pages.

Other pages in the booklet include excerpts from the U.S. Coast Pilot and other information such as descriptions of navigational aids and hazards in the area. Emergency information for the charted area is printed on the back cover.

In addition to the new ENC viewer, Coast Survey is also unveiling an updated version of the RNC viewer. This viewer provides a seamless look at NOAA raster navigational chart products and information that is traditionally located on a paper chart product. Ultimately, this allows mariners to take their traditional chart products with them anywhere they have an internet connection, including on their mobile devices!

The RNC viewer utilizes the NOAA RNC tile service which provides standardized nautical chart tilesets for the public, eliminating the need for application developers to regularly undergo the cumbersome process of transforming NOAA BSB files into tilesets. It provides geo-referenced charts compatible with the Web Map Tile Specifications (WMTS) and Tile Map Service Specification (TMS). All tilesets are published on a weekly basis.

NOAA ENC and RNC viewers are not certified for navigation. They do NOT fulfill chart carriage requirements for regulated commercial vessels under Titles 33 and 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

I used to be able to casually look at NOAA charts using Chart Viewer.

Now I can not even find out how to start Chart Viewer. But I can find a lot about how wonderful the product is. Effectively to me this means that Chart Viewer is a discontinued product.

With the end of bulk-printed paper charts, advancements in computing and mobile technologies make it possible for NOAA to deliver accurate nautical charts in the format that works best for boaters, fishing vessels, and commercial mariners.

The purpose of this map viewer is to provide federal, state, and local coastal resource managers and planners with a preliminary look at sea level rise and coastal flooding impacts. The viewer is a screening-level tool that uses best-available, nationally consistent data sets and analyses. Data and maps provided can be used at several scales to help estimate impacts and prioritize actions for different scenarios.

Purpose and Potential Applications: This data set was featured as base maps to construct nautical charts primarily used for navigation. Current applications include shoreline change analysis and cartographic representation.

Accuracy: These data are advertised to meet or exceed current National Map Accuracy Standards when plotted as a hard-copy product to the appropriate source chart scale. However, in compiling this derived product, the developers made no attempt to ascertain the congruence between the charted data and the real world.

Process Description: Generation of this shoreline product was accomplished in five stages: data capture, chart cover construction, segment assembly, verification, and final formatting and archiving. Stage 1, data capture, involves the initial conversion of the analog source data, National Ocean Service coastal series navigational charts, into a digital vector image. During stage 2, the raw vector image is converted into an ArcInfo GIS coverage. In addition, during this phase of the work, the data are corrected (gross error removal), topologies are constructed, descriptive information is added, and an intermediate archive is created. The third stage is segment assembly. Here, the chart cover data are partitioned into regionally contiguous groupings (referred to as sections), adjacent boundaries are matched, and the individual charts are joined together to produce continuous shoreline segments. Following assembly, stage 4, data verification, is initiated. Portions of the sectional data are chosen at random to be plotted coincident with chart master sheets (mylars) and compared. Discrepancies are noted, corrective action, if required, is taken, and the data re-verified. The fifth and final stage is formatting and final archive.

Historically SIO produced many paper charts and maps relating to research interests. These are filed within the collection's geographic filing arrangement. Some of the better known SIO produced charts include:

This interactive viewer allows for the identification of NOAA bathymetric data for both visualization and download. The viewer contains single-beam tracklines, multibeam surveys and mosaics for data visualization, the NOS hydrographic surveys, BAG footprints and shaded imagery, digital elevation models (DEMs), and coastal LiDAR datasets available.

NOAA's Sea Level Rise map viewer gives users a way to visualize community-level impacts from coastal flooding or sea level rise (up to 10 feet above average high tides). Photo simulations of how future flooding might impact local landmarks are also provided, as well as data related to water depth, connectivity, flood frequency, socio-economic vulnerability, wetland loss and migration, and mapping confidence. The viewer shows areas along the contiguous United States coast, except for the Great Lakes.

The series of maps below show the sanctuary boundary on nautical charts. The charts should NOT be used for purposes of navigation. Click on the chart number to download a portable document format (pdf) of the chart.

Since NOAA ENC Online is web-based, there is nothing to download. Users can click on the web map and zoom to selected features or locations, to see the information contained in over a thousand ENCs of NOAA-charted waters. Each zoom moves you through an ENC depiction that takes into account the ENC scale band and other attributes that are encoded in the ENC, such as scale minimum and feature masking. This allows the user to seamlessly zoom from the high level of detail of the large scale Band 5 ENCs, to small-scale overviews available on Band 1. Viewers can measure areas and distance, and use other functions.

In addition to providing public access to chart data, ENC Online will also help NOAA cartographers improve our current suite of ENCs. For instance, this web service allows cartographers to more easily pinpoint areas that may need additional hydrographic surveys for chart updates and corrections.

Founded in 1957, Maryland Nautical Sales is one of the largest nautical chart agents in the United States. We have in stock a worldwide selection of nautical charts (electronic & paper), books, navigation software and marine supplies. As a supplier of worldwide charts (corrected up-to-date) and publications of the U.K. Hydrographic Office (British Admiralty) since 1987, Maryland Nautical was granted its "International Admiralty Chart Agent" status by the U.K.H.O. in 1999. We are also an ISO 9001 Registered Firm.

Until recently, the BDV had a see-through raster nautical chart with wreck and obstruction symbols which visually flagged the features facilitating their further investigation. That changed in September 2021 when the see-through chart layer was converted to vector charts. 006ab0faaa

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