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The maqui is another tree, bearing a fruit like a guind, or wildcherry, from which a pleasant fermented beverage is made, calledtheca. The people are fond of the fruit, and parties go into the woodsto gather it. A friend told me, that in one of these excursions, when aboy, he had wandered into a wood to gather maqui, and seeing a woman ina tree with[Pg 104] her face of a purple colour, he supposed that she had beenrubbing it with the fruit for the sake of frightening him; however,determined to shew his courage, he ascended the tree, when, to his greatsurprise and terror, he found that it was an idiot belonging to thevillage, who had hanged herself with her handkerchief tied to one of theuppermost branches! The peumo produces a fruit which is much liked,though I never could eat it on account of its strong oily and ratherrancid smell. The tree is tall, and its fruit has the appearance ofgreen olives; to prepare it for eating it is dipped in warm water, butnot boiled, because that operation renders it bitter. The pulp iswhitish and buttery, and I have no doubt that as large a quantity of oilmight be obtained from it as from the olive. Great quantities ofmurtillas, myrtle berries, are found in this province, and are verydelicate. Pernetty, who saw some in the Falkland Isles, or Malvinas,says, "the fruit is of a beautiful appearance and very pleasant taste;by being put into brandy with a little sugar, it forms a deliciousliquor, which has in a slight degree the smell of ambergris and of musk,by no means disagreeable even to persons who dislike those perfumes."From these berries the natives also make an agreeable [Pg 105]fermented liquor,chicha de murtilla. The arrayan, a myrtle, grows to the height ofseventy feet. The fruit, which is about the size of a large pea, iseaten, and has a pleasant taste. A delicate liquor is made from it, andthe wood is very valuable.

Among the feathered tribe I observed a bird about the size of a pullet,having black and white feathers, a thick neck, rather large head, astrong bill a little curved, and on the fore part of the wings tworeddish spurs, like those of a young dunghill cock. It is on the alertthe moment it is alarmed, and rising from the ground, hovers over theobject which has disturbed it. The noise which it makes when[Pg 110] in thissituation, and which is probably intended as a signal of danger to otherbirds; has induced some of the natives to call it tero-tero; butothers name it despertador, awakener. Finches, gilgueros, and thethili, a kind of thrush, are numerous, as are the grey and redpartridge. Both the latter birds are much esteemed, though I preferredthe large wood pigeons, torcasas, some of which are the size of asmall pullet. Feeding entirely on herbage, they are particularly fond ofthe leaves of turnips, and they make their appearance in such numbersthat they would destroy a whole field in one day. Their flesh is of adark colour, but juicy and savoury. Of the larger species of herons Isaw three different kinds, one as large as the European heron, and quitesimilar to it; one of a milk white colour, with a neck more than twofeet long, and its red slender legs equally long; and another not quiteso large, with a beautiful tuft of white feathers on its head. Inseveral places near the coast I observed flamingoes, and was charmedwith their delicate pink plumage; they are not eaten by the natives. Ialso remarked several species of wild ducks, and three of wild geese;one called of the Cordillera is very good eating, the others I was toldare strong and fishy. The wild swan[Pg 111] is as large as the European swan,but is not so handsome. It has a black bill and feet, black and whiteplumage, and is in shape much like a goose, but is never eaten. I had inmy possession a tame eagle, which measured ten feet from one tip of itswings to the other; its breast was white spotted with black, the neckand back also black, and the tail and wings of a brown tinge withtransverse black stripes. I saw several of the same kind and others of asmaller species in the woods. Parrots very much abound, but theirplumage is not handsome, being of a dirty dead green. These birds arevery destructive of the fruit and maize. be457b7860

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