As a result of our program being grounded in the global experience and knowledge of risk analysts and experts in their fields, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has chosen and repeatedly utilized the NDMU Risk Management program to train its members.

With the ability to apply the principles of risk analysis to a diverse array of fields and professions, graduates are empowered to become leaders in risk management within their own organizations and communities of practice as:

No Risk Certificate Covid-19 Pdf Download

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During the coursework, participants will have an introduction to the science of public health and its relevance in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic with an emphasis on the role of contact tracing. Contact tracing is vital in slowing down the spread of COVID-19 and uses methods to find and follow up with individuals who have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for the virus. The FAU certificate course will provide background on the steps and resources necessary to set up a contact-tracing program including the primary components of a contact-tracing protocol, including investigating cases, tracing contacts, isolation, quarantine, social distancing, and monitoring cases.

Course objectives include the introduction of public health and its role in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Concepts such as populations, communities, and social determinants of health also will be explored. Participants will learn the basic principles of epidemiology (outbreak, epidemic, pandemic, types of immunity, modes of transmission, incubation and infectious periods) and basic facts about COVID-19 (current symptoms, transmission, high-risk populations, types of testing, vaccine development, treatment, and risk-reduction).

The certificate program will include narrated lectures, guest experts, readings, videos, case studies, active learning activities, glossary of important terms, knowledge check practice quizzes, post module quizzes, and virtual community of scholars. Upon completion of the online course, participants will receive a certificate and digital badge.

Two different pandemic response programs used self-certification by applicants as a primary requirement to determine eligibility and experienced increased fraud due to that requirement. The Small Business Administration (SBA) and Department of Labor (DOL) Offices of Inspectors General (OIG) found in recent reports that self-certification is a major fraud risk that cuts across program and agency boundaries. As a result, businesses and individuals may have improperly received pandemic response funds, in effect reducing the total amount of funds available for those businesses and individual economically impacted by the pandemic.

The SBA and DOL OIG reports identify a fraud risk related to self-certification. This risk cuts across program and agency boundaries, affecting two separate pandemic response programs with two different purposes. If loans, advance grants, or unemployment assistance are provided to potentially ineligible applicants, that reduces the amount of funds available to eligible businesses and unemployed individuals that have suffered economically due to the pandemic. Every dollar lost to fraud is one less dollar available to those who need support in this challenging time.

Due to the evolving nature of COVID-19, there may be a delay in response/turnaround time for risk management related items. For urgent matters, please contact Melissa Diaz. Tel: (415) 422-5899

The Certificate Holder is the individual or organization requesting proof of a certain type of insurance. The name of the individual or organization, and their address, will be listed on the certificate. The certificates will be sent directly to the requestor, unless alternative instructions are provided.

If it is requested by the Certificate Holder that participant names, or a certain activity or event need to be included on the certificate, this is possible. Please provide this information with your request.

All requests for Certificates of Insurance must flow through Risk Management. The certificate request form should be completed for all insurance requests and sent to Melissa Diaz at Certificates will only be issued if all required information is provided which includes:

A Certificate of Insurance provides evidence that the contractor, consultant, or facility user with whom the University is doing business is covered by an insurance policy or policies that meet the requirements of the contract. The certificate provides evidence that the insured has the financial wherewithal to satisfy its obligations (1) under the indemnification provisions of the contract, (2) to pay for loss of or damage to property, (3) to pay judgments or settlements, and (4) to protect The Regents if costs are incurred as a result of the insured's negligent acts or omissions. One of the most common certificates is the ACORD Certificate of Insurance form. See FS: Understanding the Acord Certificate of Insurance.

A certificate of insurance is proof of insurance coverage. Insurance coverage demonstrates that a contractor, consultant, vendor, or facility user can meet their financial responsibilities when their negligent acts or omissions result in claims, losses, liabilities, damages, or injuries. Without a certificate of insurance, the University does not know if a business partner has the financial wherewithal to take responsibility for liabilities and losses that it causes. If a business partner has no insurance, the University may have to pay the losses or liabilities caused by its business partner. Put another way, the University obtains certificates of insurance from its business partners to protect itself from the liability arising out of their activities.

When necessary the University of California issues certificates of self-insurance to non-University parties that are specific to a particular contract. Like the COC, these certificates provide evidence that the University carries the types of coverages under its self-insurance programs that are required by contract. The campus risk management office is responsible for issuing certificates of self-insurance to non-University parties.

Risk Management will not issue a certificate of insurance absent a properly executed agreement. To obtain a certificate of insurance, request a University-issued Certificate of Insurance, submit a request to Submit the request, along with the agreement, P.O., contract, license, permit, or other document that requires it, to Risk Management. Certificates of Insurance are issued subject to the provisions of the Bylaws and Standing Orders of The Regents, which do not permit any assumption of liability that does not result from and is not caused by the negligent acts or omissions of its officers, agents, or employees. No certificate of insurance can be issued against an agreement that contains indemnification language under which the campus assumes liability not permitted by The Regents.

You must provide FEMA a copy of an official death certificate that shows the death occurred in the United States, including U.S. territories and the District of Columbia, occurred after January 20, 2020, and was attributed to COVID-19.

If the death certificate was issued between January 20 and May 16, 2020, it must either 1) attribute the death directly or indirectly to COVID-19 or 2) be accompanied by a signed statement from the original certifier of the death certificate, or the local medical examiner or coroner from the jurisdiction in which the death occurred, listing COVID-19 as a cause or contributing cause of death. This signed statement must provide an additional explanation or causal pathway, linking the cause of death listed on the death certificate to COVID-19.

Furthermore, for foreign travel, a vaccination certificate, a negative test certificate or proof of recovery in EU format may be required by the destination country. It is also recommended to store all relevant documents on the TousAntiCovid application or print them out.

This page includes a comprehensive listing of all CDSE webinars to date. Webinars with the option for a downloadable CDSE Certificate of Training are designated with a certificate icon. Please note that not all archived webinars have the option for a downloadable certificate.

Phillip Van Saun, Director of Risk, Security & Resilience, offers pre-travel security risk planning, in-country security risk assessments, and contingency planning assistance for those traveling to high-risk destinations. As soon as you know you will be traveling to a high-risk area, contact Phillip Van Saun at for more information or to arrange any of the above-mentioned services.

Not sure whether your destination is high risk? Start by researching the location in the UC Trip Planner tool. All UC employees and students have access to the web tool using your campus NetID and password. If still in doubt, contact your campus Travel Risk Manager.

This course provides a general introduction to Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) and basic hygiene measures to protect against infection. By the end of the course, you should be able to describe basic information about ARIs including what they are, how they are transmitted, how to assess the risk of infection and list basic hygiene measures to protect against infection.

The purpose of this course is to provide guidance for health authorities and organizers of mass gatherings in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the specific aim of containing risks associated with transmission of this infection.

This course provides an overview (only) of key considerations to support country offices to work with partners to improve national data collection. The survey package described here is designed to collect social and behavioural data - perception, knowledge, practices, social and structural factors - to inform the uptake and roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines as well guide risk communication and community engagement planning and intervention to address community fatigue and complacency towards public health and social measures.


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