As with each track on The Lover Speaks album, "No More 'I Love You's'" is based on a concept in Roland Barthes' book A Lover's Discourse: Fragments (Fragments d'un discours amoureux). In 2015, Freeman recalled of the lyrics, "When you say to someone 'I love you', it could be to your kids, your lover, your parents, usually, you hear, 'I love you, too'. And then one day you say, 'I love you', and there's silence because that person has reached the 'no more 'I love you's' stage'. They cannot say 'I love you, too'. It's as simple as that. All I did lyrically, I think, was put it in Gothic terms."[3]

Although we only get a few hints of this relationship the speaker of the song is leaving behind, it appears to have been a rather one-sided one in which she was used by her lover, caring more for him than he did for her.

No More I Love You Annie Lennox Free Mp3 Download

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Although she maintained the Gothic touches to the lyrics, she made the song much more about a lover who is not going to let herself be at the whim of her impulsive and inadvisable emotions any longer. For her, the language of love is leaving her not because she has stopped loving a worthy lover, but because she has stopped letting herself be conned into loving an unworthy one.

No more " I love you's "''i will not say i love you anymore''The language is leaving me''the language of love is leaving me''No more " I love you's "''i will not say i love you anymore''Changes are shifting outside the words.''i am not just saying this. i am feeling this.

amazing song, annie lennox was definitely the better half of eurythmics- although i have nothing against dave :). i have no idea what this song's about but i think it's about someone haunted by the failed relationships in their past, and not wanting any more empty, meaningless relationships. hence the "no more i-love-yous". beautiful song anyway :D

Its all an act... An act to seem normal when in fact that Love has reached a plateau in the persons life... To the point that you are young and love easily... But now older you love and lost so much... Maybe its a string of broken hearts or just one loss... But there comes a point to where NOTHING or ANYONE will ever make you feel the same again... and any attempt to fill in the gaps only cheapens the precious memories. So why bother? Is it possible you have loved so much you no longer find a need to really BE with anyone?The person has forsaken love because you realize that the love you lost can and never will be replaced.. So why bother?In my case I have already lost nearly everyone I love and the pain is so tremendous that I can not bare to love anyone else because of the inability to lose anymore... Even when this song came out I wanted to forsake love... but my young heart wouldn't let me... its hard when everyone is constantly trying to be with you... till you realize its not you who they love, but the idea of you... They don't actually know you at all... Maybe before I would have gone to the end of the earth for true love... But not now... Cause its not you who needs to prove your love but them...No more I love you's here..... The language is leaving me in silence...There is more to life than how much someone can love you...More so how much love can you give and not expect any in return?No one tells me they love me anymore... But I love many... e24fc04721

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