For continuous integrations, we test our scripts for Windows OS with appveyor, as usual after each push in GitHub. The tests are launched for python 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7. For 3.6 and 3.7 all is working fine. For 3.5, the test falls due to no SIP package found:

Couldn't find index page for 'eggtestinfo' (maybe misspelled?)

No local packages or download links found for eggtestinfo

error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('eggtestinfo')

An error occurred when trying to install Products.CMFCore 2.2.10. Look above this message for any errors that were output by easy_install.

File "...../eggs/zc.buildout-1.7.1-py2.6.egg/zc/buildout/", line 588, in _call_easy_install

raise zc.buildout.UserError("Couldn't install: %s" % dist)

UserError: Couldn't install: Products.CMFCore 2.2.10

No Local Packages Or Working Download Links Found For

Download 🔥 🔥

PyPI was changed to allow https only (already some time ago). Unless either buildout (you need a sufficiently new version) or your local buildout configuration is aware of this, PyPI is inacessible for your buildout run -- and many packages are not found. Because your old server has already all packages installed, the problem may have been hidden there.

> > No local packages or download links found for SQLAlchemy

> > error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse

> > ('SQLAlchemy')


> As you've probably figured out by now, this was most likely due to PyPI

> being down for a bit when you were trying to do this...


> cheers,


> Chris


> --

> Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing & Python Consulting

But when I do so, the Manifest file of A contains a local link to the folder where B is developed (seems normal). My question is, how do you do when you want to release both A and B publicly somewhere (and still keep working on them locally) ?

The only way I see to get rid of all the local paths in the Manifest file is to add public-url-to-B rather than dev B, but if you do that then you need to commit every single change to B in order to use it (and update the environment), which can be painful for further development and seems unnecessary if you are the only person working on the repo (I guess that for repositories with many contributors, there might not be any other choice). Am I missing something, or is that the price to pay? What is the preferred workflow for such situations?

The workflow you propose seems indeed to be a good compromise, I will do that. Switching between the public and local version is still a bit painful, but seems doable if just a few packages are involved (and it can be automated if needed). Thanks.

Use your IDE navigator and browse node_modules to the local packages. If it has worked, you will be redirected to your local copy. So browsing node_modules and looking at the brisbane-news package you can see the local changes in your IDE.

Now back to the issue of missing packages after installing a new version of Python compiled from source. By comparing the sys.path from both the Ubuntu Python, which resides at /usr/bin/python, and the newly installed Python, whichresides at /usr/local/bin/python, I could sort things out:

Turns out what mattered for me was dist-packages vs. site-packages. Using Ubuntu's Python, my packages were installed to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages, whereas the new Python I installed expects packages to be installed to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages. I just had to manipulate the PYTHONPATH environment variable to point to dist-packages in order to gain access to the previously installed packaged with the newly installed version of Python.

For Debian and derivatives, this sys.path is augmented with directoriesfor packages distributed within the distribution. Local addons gointo /usr/local/lib/python/dist-packages, Debian addonsinstall into /usr/{lib,share}/python/dist-packages./usr/lib/python/site-packages is not used.

The primary use case for local packages is package development. If you're working on an npm package that will be released in the registry, you need a way to test your changes before making the source code available to the world.

I have to say, it's pretty handy that npm offers this functionality to develop local packages and dependencies! It removes the need for manual symlink creation, and let me be honest here, I never make it to create a symlink on first try. ?

I have successfully flashed 19.07.3 on my TP-Link AC1750 v2. I can SSH into it and everything seems fine. Only thing is that it doesn't have an internet connection ATM. I want to add USB support. Is there any way of downloading the necessary packages on my laptop and installing them locally instead of with OPKG? I've been reading the forums and found some posts about Imagebuilder but that seems to require Linux which would require me to set up a VM, I guess, and then learn Linux. Is there any way to go about this using Windows?

You can set up the scope mapping for your project using either a local .npmrc file in the project or using the publishConfig option in the package.json. GitHub Packages only supports scoped npm packages. Scoped packages have names with the format of @NAMESPACE/PACKAGE-NAME. Scoped packages always begin with an @ symbol. You may need to update the name in your package.json to use the scoped name. For example, if you're the user octocat and your package is named test, you would assign the scoped package name as follows: "name": "@octocat/test".

Hi, I have successfully installed a package that I downloaded to my computer but it does not show up in the packages menu of RStudio. I apologize that I am not an experienced programmer but I have searched for solutions and nothing is working. I have the latest versions of R and R Studio installed.

Hi David,

Thanks so much for continuing to help on this. I ran the libpaths command and it gave me one path

"C:/Users/my_name/Documents/R/R-4.1.1/library" which is where I installed the package. The path you noted in my library is to R version 3.6. All other packages are working fine.

Business or Enterprise environments may have Windows Defender Firewall settings configured to block unauthorized network traffic. If local rule merging is set to "No" then WSL networking will not work by default, and your administrator will need to add a firewall rule to allow it.

If so, the solution may be a JMP supplied and installed version of Python that is tested and known to work with JMP without issue. The problems that brings include supporing the install of local packages and extension into a JMP delivered Python environment.

Linking packages locally in a package-based monorepo style is done with NPM/Yarn/PNPM workspaces. In this specific setup we use NPM workspaces (see the workspaces property of the package.json file at the root of your workspace).

The workspaces property in the root-level package.json tells NPM to create links for all packages found in the packages directory. This removes the need to publish them first to a NPM registry. (Similar functionality exists for Yarn and PNPM workspaces as well.)

Because standard user permissions typically don't allow writing to folders in your $PATH, the installer in this mode doesn't try to add the symlinks to the aws and aws_completer programs. For the AWS CLI to run correctly, you must manually create the symlinks after the installer finishes. If your $PATH includes a folder you can write to and you specify the folder as the target's path, you can run the following command without sudo. If you don't have a writable folder in your $PATH, you must use sudo for permissions to write to the specified target folder. The default location for a symlink is /usr/local/bin/. Replace folder/installed with the path to your AWS CLI installation.

Instead of giving a URL of a git repo to add we could instead have given a local path to a git repo. This works similar to adding a URL. The local repository will be tracked (at some branch) and updates from that local repo are pulled when packages are updated.

Note that tracking a package through add is distinct from develop (which is described in the next session). When using add on a local git repository, changes to files in the local package repository will not immediately be reflected when loading that package. The changes would have to be committed and the packages updated in order to pull in the changes. In the majority of cases, you want to use develop on a local path, not add.

By only using add your environment always has a "reproducible state", in other words, as long as the repositories and registries used are still accessible it is possible to retrieve the exact state of all the dependencies in the environment. This has the advantage that you can send your environment (Project.toml and Manifest.toml) to someone else and they can Pkg.instantiate that environment in the same state as you had it locally. However, when you are developing a package, it is more convenient to load packages at their current state at some path. For this reason, the dev command exists.

When tackling these conflicts, first consider that the bigger a project gets, the more likely this is to happen. Using targeted projects for a given task is highly recommended, and removing unused dependencies is a good first step when hitting these issues. For instance, a common pitfall is having more than a few packages in your default (i.e. (@1.8)) environment, and using that as an environment for all tasks you're using julia for. It's better to create a dedicated project for the task you're working on, and keep the dependencies there minimal. To read more see Working with Environments

Although there are several methods for interacting with packages from installation to uninstalling from the command line or inside of Visual Studio, this article focuses on using NuGet inside of Visual Studio 2019, which provides tools natively for working with NuGet packages.

In order to access NuGet functionality, you can choose accessing the NuGet Package Manager from Visual Studio's project menu, right-clicking on the top branch of a solution in Solution Explorer, right-clicking on a project node in Solution Explorer, or using the NuGet Package Manager Console. For those new to Visual Studio and working with NuGet packages, start with the NuGet Package Manager, as there are details not available from the NuGet Package Manager Console. e24fc04721

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